Razlika između verzija stranice "Wikizvor:Čaršija"

Izvor: Wikizvor
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Red 2.192: Red 2.192:
* [[special:centralauth/Wikisource-bot]]
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Thanks. [[Korisnik:Billinghurst|Billinghurst]] ([[Razgovor s korisnikom:Billinghurst|razgovor]]) 08:44, 7 juli 2018 (KSV)
Thanks. [[Korisnik:Billinghurst|Billinghurst]] ([[Razgovor s korisnikom:Billinghurst|razgovor]]) 08:44, 7 juli 2018 (KSV)

== Addition of bsWS to global bots ==

Above I have added a bot request, as this wiki is not within the [[m:global bot|global bot]] project, per list [[m:Special:WikiSets/2]]. Would the community consider opting in to the global bots, so that when we have Wikisource-wide fixes for [[mw:Extension:ProofreadPage]] that is possible to organise the bots to do the jobs within Phabricator, and simply get the fix in place. [[Korisnik:Billinghurst|Billinghurst]] ([[Razgovor s korisnikom:Billinghurst|razgovor]]) 08:44, 7 juli 2018 (KSV)

Verzija na dan 7 juli 2018 u 08:44

Dobrodošli na čaršiju!

U ovom malom kutku Interneta možete osjetiti dušu Bosne, porazgovarati o svim temama i postaviti sva pitanja za koja smatrate da zaslužuju pažnju. Predlažite, divanite i sijelite kako se to u Bosni oduvijek radilo, sklapajte prijateljstva među članovima Wikipedijine zajednice i doprinesite promociji našeg lijepog bosanskog jezika.

Ako ne znate gdje postaviti neko pitanje, postavite ga ovdje.

Postavi komentar


Budući da Kur'an ne podliježe autorskim pravima, mislim da bi trebali početi sa prepisivanjem prevoda Kur'ana na bosanskom wikizvoru. Pošto je taj projekat obiman, i pretpostavljam da će više korisnika učestvovati u njemu mislim da bi trebali koristiti isti prijevod Kur'ana, tako da ne bi dolazilo do miješanja (pogotovo kod dužih sura na kojim bi radilo više korisnika kao npr. Al-Baqara). Predlažem prijevod Enesa Karića. Hrvatski wikizvor mi je dao ideju. Kad već oni imaju Kur'an zašto ne bi i mi. --Kahriman 10:23, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)

To je dobra ideja. A imam i pitanje šta je s tekstovima npr. Muse Ćazima Ćatića, Safvet bega Bašagića, ili Alekse Šantića, da li oni podliježu autorkim pravima. AdnanSa 11:12, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)

Ja nisam siguran kakva je pravna situacija u BiH. U Njemackoj npr. autorska prava isticu tek nako 70 godina od smrti autora. Ako neko ima pouzdane informacije neka ih stavi ovdje (ili jos bolje napise clanak o autorskim pravima na pomoci). --Demicx 15:29, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)

Da svakako bi trebalo ispitati zakone o autorskim pravima. I mene licno zanima. Inace sto se tice Kur'ana, Tomislav Dreter je preveo/postavio Kur'an na hrvatskom wikizvoru pa uz manje adaptacije se lako moze prebaciti [1] --Dado 16:41, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)

"Molim vas ostavite to meni da učinim sam. Ja sam ga preveo na hrvatski dovršit ću djelo i na bosanskom i na srpskom, ako Bog da. Svi ostali mogu popraviti ono što ja propustim, a mislim da bi trebalo postaviti sve prijevode Kur'ana časnog na bosanskom jeziku u Wikizvor, da se to blago nađe na jednom m jestu i posluži mnogostrukim svrhama razvitka ljudskog duha i duše. Inače, moj prijevod je autorsko djelo, ali ja sam se odrekao autorskih prava postavljanjem na Wikizvor i svatko ga može koristiti kako hoće. Ja sam samo htio načinititi jedno bogougodnodjelo. Hvala unaprijed!"--Tomislav Dretar 20:42, 7 novembar 2006 (UTC)
Mi već imamo prijevod Besima Korkuta, a za ostale nisam sigurna po pitanju autorskih prava. Meni bi bilo jako drago kad bi imali sve prijevode Kur'ana na bosanskom jeziku na wikizvoru, ali prijevod Kur'ana podliježe Zakonu o autorskim pravima. Izričito mi je drago što ste odlučili uvakufiti Kur'an i Bibliju na wikizvor da služi svim koji razumiju bosanski jezik. Želim Vam sreću u budućem radu! --Kahriman 14:20, 8 novembar 2006 (UTC)


Prije nego uronemo u ovo trebali bi uspostaviti neki jednostavan format koji se da lako organizovati I koristiti (Ime djela, pisac, godina izdavanja itd.)--Dado 16:50, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)

Mozda bi mogli koristiti engleski primjer kategorizacije za pisce gdje se u samom clanku navodi npr. kategorija Pisac-B u clanku Francis Bacon. Vidi ovdje -> [2]. Sto se tice poezije, mozda ne bi bilo lose da se tekst centrira, jer inace bude pola monitora prazno, bijelilo ubi u oci. :) Evo pa uporedite Sjaj, mjeseče i Emina (Šantić) - Zumbulka 20:00, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)
Sta mislite da koristimo sistem sa njemackog wikizvora. Oni koriste nekoliko sablona kao npr. za podatke o osobi/autoru ili o djelu. Ako vam se taj sistem cini u redu, onda bih ja preveo tu stranicu i postavio za nas relevantne sablone. Indeks autora sa engleskog ili njemackog izvora je takodjer sasvim dobar. --Demicx 20:50, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)
Centriranje poezije na stranici ne izgleda lose samo me ime autora gore lijevo malo bode u oci. Mozda ga spustiti dole kod godine? --Elmir[demicx] 20:55, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)
Meni se lijevo orijentisani tekst za poeziju vise dojmi. Koliko znam vecina knjiga i poeziju orijentise lijevo. Vrlo rijetko se vidja da je centrirano. Dakle trebaju nam sabloni za autore, djela, index autora, index djela i sta jos ? Meni su i engl. i njem. verzije OK mada mozemo to jos malo na nas nacin dotjerati--Dado 21:51, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)
Izgleda veoma dobro. Ja sam za. I usput, da izrazim zelju jednu. Znam da ce se ubacivati i ona pomocna tabela s nasim slovima i kvacicama. Ako bi se moglo staviti kao kod Nijemaca, iznad pendzera za tekst a ne ispod (kao sto imamo na wikipediji i wikicitatu). - Zumbulka 21:01, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)
Imas pravo sto se tice ovih slova i znakova. Mnogo je lakse i prakticnije za raditi na clancima kada su gore. Posebno mi se svidjela ova opcija "Text ersetzen" koja mi do sada nije bila poznata. Sa njom se mogu automatski svi brojevi ili rijeci u clanku zamjeniti drugim brojevima/rijecima. Cim dobijem upravnicka prava ubacit cu nam te pomocne alatke. --Elmir[demicx] 21:32, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)


Zakon o autorskim pravima regulira ostvarivanje i zaštitu autorskih prava s područja književnosti, nauke i umjetnosti. Prema odredbama ovog zakona, autorskim djelom smatraju se naročito: pisana djela (knjige, brošure, književni tekstovi, članci i ostali napisi i kompjuter- ski programi); govorna djela (predavanja, govori i druga djela iste vrste); dramska i drams- ko-muzička djela; koreografska i pantomimska djela; muzička djela (s riječima ili bez riječi); filmska djela stvorena na način sličan filmskim djelima; djela iz oblasti slikarstva, vajarstva, arhitekture i grafike, bez obzira na materijal od kojeg su sačinjena, te ostala djela likovnih umjetnosti; djela svih grana primjenjenih umjetnosti i industrijskog oblikovanja; fotografska djela i djela proizvedena postupkom sličnim fotografskom; kartografska djela (geografske karte, topografske karte i sl.) i planovi, skice i plastična djela, koja se odnose na geografiju, topografiju, arhitekturu ili drugu naučnu ili umjetničku oblasti. Autorom se smatra fizičko lice koje je stvorilo autorsko djelo. Autorska prava dijele se na imovinska prava i moralna prava. Autorska prava traju za života autora i 70 godina nakon njegove smrti. Autorska djela lica koja nisu državaljani BiH uživaju istu zaštitu i imaju ista prava kao i djela lica koja su državljani BiH. Uslov za zaštitu autorskih djela, lica koja nisu državljani BiH, jeste da ta lica imaju prebivalište u BiH i da su njihova djela objavljena u BiH.


Ovo nadjoh na netu. - Zumbulka 15:43, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)

Eh da sam nastavio citati ne bi gore bulaznio :). Po ovome djela autora koji su umrli prije 1936. godine su slobodni. Ostali se moraju provjeriti. Odlicno.--Dado 16:45, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)

Narodna djela

Da li područje wikizvora obuhvata i narodna djela (epovi, basne, pjesme) tj. djela za koja se ne zna autor (a samim tim ne podliježu autorskim pravima)?--Ajdin Kahrović 18:57, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)

Wikizvor skuplja vec objavljena (stampana) djela kao i prevode takvih djela. Djela kojima se ne zna autor a objavljena su (stampana), autorsko pravo istice 70 godina poslije objave. Samo nisam siguran sta je sa djelima koja su vise puta objavljivana. Mozda neko zna nakon kojeg izdanja se pocinje brojati tih 70 godina? --Demicx 19:24, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)

Po logici je da se godine broje nakon prve godine izdavanja. Prema prvom zakonu o autorskim pravima od 70 godina sva naknadna izdavanja se mogu smatrati kopiranjem istih prvobitnih. Barem ja mislim da je tako --Dado 21:46, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)

Izgleda da je ipak zakonska definicija 70 godina poslije smrti autora, a Dado je u pravu za prvo objavljivanje, jer da nije tako djela bi se mogla reizdavati svakih dvadesetak godina i onda im rok nikada ne bi istekao.

Što se narodnih pjesama tiče uglavnom su spjevane dok još nije ni bilo Zakona o autorskim pravima, jedini su izuzetak pjesme koje je neko napisao određeni autor a koje su u stilu narodnih pjesama. AdnanSa 08:07, 21 jun 2006 (UTC)


Nisam ni vidio da je ovo počelo :P treba malo pogledati kod hrvata i srba (najčešće kopiraju jedni od drugih i onda "prevode" na svoje jezike, trebali bi i mi). Eh moje pitanje je oko hrestomatija (one knjige sa odabranim tekstovima), tu su večinom tekstovi starih pravnih kodifikacija ect. kojima je očito prošlo ovo autorsko pravo, međutim da li se gleda autorsko pravo na prijevod? Ne bih rekao, al' ne znam. Možda neko zna, meni mrsko gledati to. harač

Kod prevoda je tako da autor djela nije nosilac autorskih prava vec prevodilac. I u ovome slucaju autorsko pravo istice nakon 70 godina od smrti prevodioca. --Demicx 18:19, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)
Da li to znači da je npr. Enes Karić nosilac autorskih prava na Kur'an koji je on preveo? --Ajdin Kahrović 19:00, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)
Po pravilu da, samo nisam siguran kakvo je pravno stanje kod vjerskih knjiga. --Demicx 19:15, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)
Demicx, sad si me razocarao. Imam svoju malu "pjesmaricu", ali nazalost, nisam zapisivala ko je preveo stihove niti koje je godine izdana knjiga. Znaci, nemam nikakve fajde od nje, ne smijem kopirati na wikiizvor :( Jesi neki... - Zumbulka 20:13, 20 jun 2006 (UTC)

Jedna manja napomena. Kod prevedenih djela koja su zasticena autorskim pravima je vazno da je i od smrti autora i od smrti prevodioca proslo najmanje 70 godina. Znaci u tom se slucaju gleda koje zadnji umro. Isti slucaj je i kod djela vise autora. --Elmir[demicx] 14:10, 22 jun 2006 (UTC)

Ja cu ipak postavljati poeziju stranih pjesnika iako ne znam ko ih je preveo. Ako se prevodilac pobuni, clanak je lako izbrisati. A ne radi se o citavim djelima tj. knjigama. Zao mi da ove pjesme koje imam ne postavim na wikiizvor. Nadam se da je ok. Na kraju krajeva, ako dodje do toga, ja cu na kraju fasovati. :) -- Zumbulka 09:50, 23 jun 2006 (UTC)
Ama, neće nikome štetiti sigurno. Tako da... udri. I što reče, uvijek se može pobrisati, ali nešto sumnjam da bi se iko i bunio. Mhare

Footnotes ili Podlošci

Jedno pitanje. Kako se kaze "footnote" na bosanskom. Na google sam nasao da se cesto koristi neprevedeno a kontam da je mozda prevod "podložak" ili "podlošci". Inace kontao sam da footnotes stavljamo u pod-direktorij teksta kao u slucaju u kojem trenutno radim Tužilac protiv Radislava Krstića/Footnotes ili Tužilac protiv Radislava Krstića/Podlošci Javite sta mislite da je ispravnije.--Dado 18:58, 22 jun 2006 (UTC)

Ja nisam siguran da li na bosanskom uopce imamo adekvatnu rijec za footnote ili koristimo engleski izraz. Podlozak mi zvuci vise hrvatski i mislim da znaci podmetac. --Elmir[demicx] 21:51, 22 jun 2006 (UTC)
Ja mislim da se kod nas upotrebljavaju rijeci fusnota i napomena. Podlozak je vise hrvatski. - Zumbulka 09:44, 23 jun 2006 (UTC)
Napomena je baš taman.
Nemojte me pogrješno shvatiti. Bosanskim mada se njime služim samo kod kuće, je moj jezik koliko i hrvatski, pa ne iz zle namjere ističem jednu stvar, jedno od glavnih načela evolucije hrvatskog jezika je stvaranje hrvatske jezične produkcije. Dakle, kad se ne može proizvesti nova riječ na hrvatskom korijenu onda se prevede strana riječ kao istoznačnica. U vrijeme srpskohrvatskog/hrvatskosrpskog to je bilo proglašavano nacizmom, ustaštvom, uskogrudnošću i pitaj biga kako još nije, a radi se samo o tome da hrvat sam proizvodi svoje duhovno blago, što nije moguće baš uvijek pa se moraju praviti posuđenice. Neki su to primitivci spremni odmah proglastiti krađom. Jedan je tako napisao da su Hrvati došli u Bosnu 1910. ukrasti gramatiku Bosanskog jezika koju je naredio izraditi mađarski ban. Na okviru je bio pečat Sveučilišne knjižnice u Zagrebu, autor je bio Hrvat, a izdavać i štampar Milićević Hrvat. Gramatika je bila za srednje škole jer je u to vrijeme tek osnovana prva viša škola u BiH, svjetovna, Trgovačka akademija, i moj djed je bio njen student. Zar onaj tko je imao filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište i Sveučilišnu knjižnicu i prvu gramatiku sveučilišne razine dva stoljeća prije toga dolazi krasti udžbenik za srednju školu? Mislim da se moramo osloboditi takvih mogućnosti i pokušati obogaćivati jedni drugima jezični iskaz. Umjesto nakaze srpskohrvatskog jezika, kad budemo imali četiri jezika, moći ćemo praviti posuđenice, a te posuđenice donijet će u onaj drugi jezik jednu nijansu značenja koju nema u onom prvom jeziku. Pogledajte kako kod nas i u znanstvenom jeziku, kad se odviknemo imperijalizma u lingvistici neke bosanske riječi mogu obogatiti psihijatrijski rječnik. Europa ima Melankoliju, Anksioznost, nostalgiju i depresiju, a naši jezici tome mogu dodati još: dert, sevdah, karasevdah, zebnju, strijepnju itd. No, priča je duga, ali treba napraviti projekt Wikizvora koji će biti prostor za jednu Biblioteku u kojoj pojedinačne riječi mogu funkcionirati kao elementi kompletnih književnih djela putem linkova s Kur'ana i Biblije dovesti do Socio-linguo-religijske enciklopedije. To je projekt za nekoliko generacija i čak stoljeća i nema kraja, pa krenimo na put....Iz Bosne.

Što se tiče fus-note ja sam to pitanje poodavno pokrenuo. No, ono što se ovdje spominje - fus-nota je u hrvatskom napušteno. Hrvati su stvorili riječ "podrubnica", riječ ispod ruba teksta. Pogledajete njemačku riječ - fus-nota (bilješka u podnožju) u francuskom je to "la note de pied de page" - bilješka s podnožja stranice. Da li je bolje samo zato da bi se zatrlo srodstvo s ostalim slavenskim jezicima potražiti rješenje u germanskim ili romanskim jezicima? Hoće li Hrvati ikad postati izumrli Medejci ili Bošnjaci izumrli Iliri? Danas mi smo Slaveni, ali eto nekako više volimo biti Evropljani te i te vjere a ne Slaveni, a Europljani nam se onda podsmijavaju, a naši jezici su toliko životvorni, da oni, vrhunski francuski i engleski intelektualci s kojima kontaktiram s nevjericom gledaju na našu glupost, tj. evo stbvorih novu riječ - na našu GLUPOTVORNOST. Kako je jedan tako plodotvoran i budućnosan govor proizveo takve mrtvozorničke i samoubojičke "gramatičare"? --Tomislav Dretar 14:03, 1 januar 2007 (UTC)


Neke riječi nisu bosanske. Npr. tu je istorija umjesto historija, a meni sa lijeve strane se ne slaže sa ostalim bs wikijima. Ima li ko da to ispravi?

Uskoro ce se to popraviti. Trenutno jos niko nema sysop prava da bi izvrsio izmjene. --Elmir[demicx] 11:12, 23 jun 2006 (UTC)
Pogledajte ovaj naslov - Prijevod. U vrijeme kad se dobar broj među vama još nije bio rodio, negdje 1970-ih godina ja sam preveo rukovet pjesma iz Dächerherbst Carla Güssmera; iako ne mogu napisati kao što se onda pisalo; jer je umjesto dva ss trebalo napisati scharfes "s" ili "oštro s". Danas Dächerherbst treba napisati Daecherherbst a Güssmer kao Guessmer. Potpisao sam u Odjeku s prijevod Tomislav Dretar. Bilo je prigovora a ja sam odgovorio da ako napišem "privod" da će ispasti ili ikavica (zabranjeno pravopisno) ili da je neko priveden, a za "prevod" sam rekao da je to ekavski. Danas i bosanski i hrvatski mahom pišu prijevod. A evo nije uvijek bilo tako, čak i moji suvremenici koji su mi onda prigovarali danas ne mogu drukčije. Možda je nekad ranije to bilo pravilo, ali je u SFRJ bilo potisnuto u zaborav. Ja sam ga stavio u "pogon". Žao mi je što akademik Nikčević to ne upotrijebi u svojem boju za crnogorski jezik. Jer nigdje kao ovdje grafem "jat" se ne pokazuje toliko grafemom i negira ono što on nije a što su Jovan Belićevci nametnuli kao "fonem". Jer prijevoditi, ako bi moglo i važiti značilo bi "predvoditi", privoditi ide u kričinologiju i zakon, a tada se vidi da je prijevod jedna stvar a prevod sasvim druga. Samo treba imati sluha i njuha, i uma dakako.--Tomislav Dretar 17:45, 11 januar 2007 (UTC)

Ustavne odluke

Hocu polako da pocnem prebacivati neke od vaznijih ustavnih odluka ustavnog suda RBiH na wikizvor. Problem je sto ne znam pod kojim imenom da postavim clanak. Konkretno sam htio da stavim tekst odluke o zastavi i grbu FBiH i RS. Odluke uglavnom imaju prilicno velike naslove ili su pod nekim siframa. Posto ce takvih clanaka na wikizvoru biti vise, trebali bi da usvojimo neki standard. --Elmir[demicx] 21:22, 23 jun 2006 (UTC)

Sve zavisi od imena. Neznam da li može biti standard ali možda može biti neka fleksibilna norma. Engl. wikizvor navodi brojeve odluka i često takve odluke ili rezolucije i zadrže broj kao znak prepoznavanja. Npr Rezolucija 199 se tiče Genocida u Srebrenici ali se svuda navodi samo kao Rezolucija 199. Vjerovatno bi trebali koristiti sličan sistem s tim da bi trebali imati negdje indeks koji bi objašnjavao tj. naveo puno ime odluke--Dado 03:23, 24 jun 2006 (UTC)

Koje ime predlazes u ovom konkretnom slucaju? --Elmir[demicx] 03:35, 24 jun 2006 (UTC)

Novi članci

Primjetio sam da se članci koje sam pisao ne računaju na statistikama. Dosad sam prepisao 17 sura na wikipediju, a ni jedna nije uračunata u statistikama! Zna li ko razlog? --Ajdin Kahrović 17:25, 24 jun 2006 (UTC)

Ja mislim da clanak mora da ispuni osnove wiki kriterije da bi bio prikazan na statistici. Jedna od kriterija je ubacivanje unutrasnjih poveznica u tekst (sto je u tekst sura nemas sta povezivati). Sto se tice prepisivanja Kur'ana htio sam ti predloziti da sure pises kao podstranice (npr. Kur'an/Al-Fatiha ili Kur'an/Al-Baqara) kao sto smo ja i Dado uradili na clancima Tužilac protiv Radislava Krstića i Evropska konvencija o ljudskim pravima. Osim toga trebao bi ubaciti i Šablon:Navigacija1 na pocetak i kraj svake stranice (osim prve) zbog lakseg listanja. --Elmir[demicx] 22:34, 24 jun 2006 (UTC)
I ta ti je pametna. A ako budem pisao kao podstranice hoče li se računati na statistikama? --Ajdin Kahrović 23:36, 24 jun 2006 (UTC)
Trebalo bi da se racunaju. --Elmir[demicx] 13:19, 25 jun 2006 (UTC)
Evo skonto sam. Stranica treba imati bar jedan wiki link u sebi koji nije u šablonu. Pa se tako, linkovi u šablonu navigacija se ne mogu računati. Zbog toga sam odlučio zasad ne stavljati navigaciju, nego možda na kraju kad sve završim. Ubacio sam na dnu stranice link Kur'an Časni kao izvor tog teksta, pa se tako stranice računaju na statistikama. --Ajdin Kahrović 15:38, 25 jun 2006 (UTC)


Vidim da je pripremljena kategorija za sevdalinke. Rado bih se bacila na to, ali ne znam kako je planirano, jer vecini sevdalinki ne zna se autor. Da li onda clanke-sevdalinke pisati bez sablona-tekst, jer ako koristimo sablon, onda ce sve stavke biti prazne, osim naslova. Hajde, da cujemo kako je zamisljeno. Buduci upravnice, prohaberi koju na ovo. :) - Zumbulka 20:13, 24 jun 2006 (UTC)

Ja bih stavljao sa sablonom. Mozda za neku sevdalinku budemo imali i poneku informaciju koju cemo moci ubaciti u sablon. --Elmir[demicx] 22:21, 24 jun 2006 (UTC)
Stavila sam pet sevdalinki pa vidi je li ok onako ili u sablonu treba jos sta dodati, da ne bih kasnije morala prepravljati. - Zumbulka 09:51, 25 jun 2006 (UTC)
Odlicno je. Ako neko bude imao neku informaciju, moci ce ih ubaciti u sablon. I ti ako imas neku interesantnu informaciju (npr. najpoznatije ili prvo izvodjenje sevdalinke i sl.) mozes ubaciti u rubriku ostalo. --Elmir[demicx] 13:28, 25 jun 2006 (UTC)
Mogli bi kod sevdalinki kao izvor ubacivati "Narodno djelo" ili tako nesto. --Elmir[demicx] 13:30, 25 jun 2006 (UTC)
I ja sam htio predložiti da se stavi nešto kao Narodno djelo ili autor nepoznat. Ko kad je previše bitno... --Mhare 22:25, 25 jun 2006 (UTC)


Imam nekih zakona na kompu (Ustave FBiH i RS, Zakon o Vijeću ministara, Zakon o konkurenciji i još dosta toga). Interesuje me da li bih njih trebao ubacivati, pošto vidim da je Ustav BiH ovdje valjda ne bi bilo loše ubaciti i nešto od Zakona. Koja su vaša mišljenja. AdnanSa 08:50, 26 jun 2006 (UTC)

Slobodno ubacuj. Svi vladini tekstovi (pogotovo drzavni zakoni) su interesantan materijal za wikizvor. --Elmir[demicx] 11:16, 26 jun 2006 (UTC)
  • OK onda da radim. AdnanSa 12:10, 26 jun 2006 (UTC)

Autorska prava

Da li tekstove Žene, žene, Smail Balić o Bošnjacima i Živiš u oblacima? Ja mislim da ne i da bi se trebali obrisati. --Kahriman 22:00, 12 novembar 2006 (UTC)

1000 tekstova

Hočemo li mi obilježavati jubilej? --Kahriman 10:25, 23 decembar 2006 (UTC)

Wikizvor — Slobodna biblioteka

Zdravo. Molimo provjerite (i ako treba biti dodaj ili korektno) prijevod od "Wikizvora — Slobodna Biblioteka" na bosanski jezik, u tabeli na ova stranica. Pažnja: Tabela je linkovana od cirkularnog logoa na Wiksource multilingual Portal.

Hvala! Korisnik:Ajdinn 00:58, 21 Juli 2012 (UTC)

Al-hamiado bosanska književnost i tekstovi pisani bosančicom

Mislim da treba učiniti sve da obo blago duhovnog digniteta Bosne i Hercegovine treba učiniti dostupnim svima, bez obzira na činjenice koje može iznijeti na svjetlost dana. To bi bio pravi kulturni i demokratski čin.--Tomislav Dretar 08:03, 12 februar 2007 (UTC)

Еsad Bej - Ehli Islam?

Pozdrav Svima

Započeo sam sa postavljanjem knjige Еsada Beja »Alah je velik - propadanje i novi polet islama od Abdul Hamida dо Ibn Sauda« nа srpski Vikizvornik. Knjiga je odlična i bila bi velika šteta da se ne napravi izdanje nа јеziku bošnjačkog naroda.

Аko ko posjeduje informacije kо sе kriјe iza psеudonima Ehli Islama bi vam zahvalan. Оdlična knjižica navedenog autora (pseudonim?) »Nasilja okupacione uprave u Bosni i Hercegovini« sa početka 20. vijeka u digitalizaciji, ali kako je pisana na starijoj verziji današnjeg jezika bosanskog naroda, zanima me može li se objaviti na ovom Wikizvor-u bez pravopisnog prepravljanja.Ban 21:54, 24 May 2007 i 01:44, 21 juli 2012(modifikovan tekst) (UTC)

Ja bi želio da potražim bot zastave za interwiki bot Alecs.bot.

Hvala! -- Alecs.y 21:20, 23 februar 2008 i 21 jula 2012(UTC) (modifikacija teksta i prijevod)Ajdinn

Bot status granted! --Elmir[demicx] 21:21, 29 februar 2008 (UTC)

Pitam da neskitam:

Lijep pozdrav od penzionera Tajiba Omerdića iz Stjepan Polja,općina Gračanica.Živim i mirujem sa mirovinom ovom našom iz BiH.Sa šezdesetiprvom godinom života naleti i ja na ovo čudo,jest da je kasno ali šta je tu je.Kako sam samouk na ovoj spravici zvanoj "računar"uz neku manju dostupnu mi literaturu,i kako nejmam baš virtuozne manire "klikanja"jer se tih klikanja upravo i plašim.Radim po par sahati i na kraju ko ona krava kad daje deset litara mlijeka ali i šutne se nogom i sve se prolije. Moja zainteresiranost u isključivo je poezija.Medjutim kako je politika ta koja se uvlači pa i u g..e.Imao bih par članaka ličnog autorskog prava želju da to i drugi pogledaju.Ali kako.Eto danas sam se registrirao na Wikisource i odobrena mi je korisnička stranica,ali vidim malo kad sam surfao da upravo ima i sehara da su neki autori izvadili svoje radove.Znači objasni te mi molim Vas al nako pedagoški kako da i ja krenem u pisanje.Hvala Tajib OmerdićTajib Omerdć 10:36, 14 septembar 2008 (UTC)

Wikizvor ili Wikiizvor

Ovdje se koristi termin wikizvor, ali na wikipediji je wikiizvor što je po meni logičnije. Predlažem promjenu. --Smooth O 14:29, 3 juli 2009 (KSV)[odgovori]

  • Za (support)
  1. --Seha 12:01, 4 juli 2009 (KSV)[odgovori]
  2. --[demicx] 07:52, 7 juli 2009 (KSV)[odgovori]
  • Protiv (oppose)

Primijetih da na ovom Wikizvoru ima Šantićevih djela, iako je ovo Wikizvor na bosanskom/bošnjačkom jeziku, dakle, složit ćete se, jeziku Bošnjaka odnosno bosanskohercegovačkih muslimana. Smatram da, pošto je Aleksa Šantić bio Srbin, njegova djela ne bi trebala biti na ovom Wikizvoru, već na srpskom, kako i jesu ([3]). Da se razumijemo, nemam ja ništa protiv Bošnjaka niti bilo kojih drugih, ja sam Mostarac poratne generacije ('96.), Hrvat s desne obale, ali dosta mi je sve mržnje i drugih netrpeljivosti, te ovo pišem samo u interesu promocije znanja, što je cilj svih wikiprojekata. Iako se Aleksa bratio i sa Bošnjacima i Hrvatima (jučer ste mogli gledati film rađen po seriji o njemu), bio je Srbin pa bi zato njegova djela trebala biti samo na Wikizvoru na srpskom jeziku. U seriji i filmu ima dobrih citata koji govore o svemu spomenutom: "... i željno čekam dan kad će i Srbi i Hrvati shvatiti da su braća i po krvi i po jeziku!" (ovo za jezik se i ne slažem skroz) ili kad adža na premijeri Emine govori "Au! Šta uradi, crni Aleksa!?", jer je opjevao muslimanku, Eminu Sefićevu.

Hvala na pozornosti. Molim, kontaktirajte me na hr.Wikipediji -- 13:01, 8 januar 2010 (KSV)[odgovori]

Vaš prijedlog se potpunosti protivi svim pravilima Wikipedije. Da li onda po vašem mišljenju smijemo stavljati Karla Marxa na wikiizvor, jer je bio Nijemac, ili možda Miroslava Krležu jer nije bio Bošnjak. Sve u svemu, ukoliko budete nastavili sa vašim nacionalističkim ispadima, bit ćete blokirani.--CERminator 10:49, 3 juni 2010 (KSV)[odgovori]
Nastavljam s raspravom, i ničim drugim, po cijenu blokiranja. Niste me shvatili. Koliko znam, ovdje je bitan jezik na kojem je netko pisao. Marx je prevođen na bosanski/bošnjački, pa zato prijevodi njegovih djela po svemu spadaju ovdje.
  • Ako je Šantić prevođen na bs, onda u svakom slučaju smatram da ti prijevodi ovdje trebaju biti.
  • Ako je (prema vama) već pisao na bs, a o tome bi se moglo raspravljati, tekstovi su sasvim dobrodošli.
  • Dosad nisam razmatrao nijednu od ovih opcija, ali sad mi se čine moguće...
Zamolio bih da me ne napadate odmah za nacionalizam, ovo je tek hipotetska rasprava, nije da ću od bijesa sad pobrisati sva djela koja mi ne pašu. Ako se ne složite sa mnom, u redu, nemam ništa protiv, ostaje sve kako je bilo. Nisam imao namjeru povrijediti ičije nacionalne osjećaje. Kako rekoh, u cilju mi je samo točnost i provjerljivost wikiprojekata.-- 10:43, 23 juni 2010 (KSV)[odgovori]
Marx nikad nije prevođen na BOŠNJAČKI jer takav jezik ne postoji. Marx jeste prevođen na BOSANSKI, kao jedan od 3 ravnopravna jezika u Bosni i Hercegovini. Treće, ako (a vjerujem da) poznajete srpski i bosanski jezik, vrlo dobro znate i razumijete sve tekstove napisane tim jezicima (kao što i ja i svi drugi vrlo dobro razumijemo hrvatski jezik). S tim u vezi, ne vidim smisao prevođenja takvih tekstova u originalu. Druga bi stvar bila napraviti prevod sa hrvatskog na makedonski, jer su dijametralno različiti, jer se prirodni govornici tih jezika ne razumiju u svakodnevnom govoru. Iz takvih razloga nije potrebno ići za prevođenjem djela na južnoslavenskim jezicima međusobno (Na Drini ćuprija bi na srpskom bila: kako?? a na hrvatskom kako??), obzirom kolikom energijom i voljom se trudite izbjeći sve što je BOŠNJAČKO!!!--CERminator 12:43, 29 juni 2010 (KSV)[odgovori]
Marx nikad nije prevođen na bosanski jezik.Barem nije s njemačkog niti francuskog jezika. Nije ni na hrvatski, ali jeste na srpski i na srpskohrvatski. Kad su akademici Filipović, Šarčević, Profesori Prohić, Kožul, Komšić i drugi bili marksisti prevodili su na srpskohravtski iako su neki od njih sada Bošnjaci koji govore sadašnjim bosanskim jezikom.--motiv 20:31, 8 februar 2011 (KSV)

Wikimania Scholarships

The call for applications for Wikimania Scholarships to attend Wikimania 2010 in Gdansk, Poland (July 9-11) is now open. The Wikimedia Foundation offers Scholarships to pay for selected individuals' round trip travel, accommodations, and registration at the conference. To apply, visit the Wikimania 2010 scholarships information page, click the secure link available there, and fill out the form to apply. For additional information, please visit the Scholarships information and FAQ pages:

Yours very truly, Cary Bass
Volunteer Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

Announcing the creation of a new interlingual cooperative WikiProject- WikiProject Translation! The goal is inter-wiki collaboration with the aim of making source texts available in multiple languages. The project is very much in the formation phase, and would benefit from voices giving input. Please feel free to express any ideas, concerns, or questions at the project talk page. If you don't speak English, you can start your own WikiProject Translation here at Bosnian Wikisource. (This is recommended in any case.) In the spirit of the project, please translate this message! --Eliyak 09:18, 10 januar 2011 (KSV)[odgovori]

Prijevod prethodnog teksta s engleskog

Najavljujemo stvaranje nove međujezične zadruge WikiProject-WikiProjekt Prijevod! Cilj je inter-wiki suradnja s ciljem izrade izvornih tekstova i stavljanje na raspolaganje na više ‎jezika. Projekt je u naglašeno početnoj fazi, i imaće koristi od davanja prava na ulaz, slobodnog ‎izražavanja bilo kakve ideje, potpore ili postavljanja pitanja na stranici projekta - razgovor. Ako ne ‎govorite engleski, možete pokrenuti vlastiti WikiProject Prijevod ovdje na bosanskom Wikizvoru. ‎‎(Ovo je preporučeno u svakom slučaju.) U duhu projekta, molimo Vas da prevedete ovu poruku! --motiv 21:24, 8 februar 2011 (KSV)

I'd like to request a bot flag for my interwiki bot.

Global Contributions.

Thanks. --Doug 17:25, 12 februar 2011 (KSV)[odgovori]

Call for image filter referendum

The Wikimedia Foundation, at the direction of the Board of Trustees, will be holding a vote to determine whether members of the community support the creation and usage of an opt-in personal image filter, which would allow readers to voluntarily screen particular types of images strictly for their own account.

Further details and educational materials will be available shortly. The referendum is scheduled for 12-27 August, 2011, and will be conducted on servers hosted by a neutral third party. Referendum details, officials, voting requirements, and supporting materials will be posted at Meta:Image filter referendum shortly.

Sorry for delivering you a message in English. Please help translate the pages on the referendum on Meta and join the translators mailing list.

For the coordinating committee,
Philippe (WMF)
Robert Harris

Terms of Use update

I apologize that you are receiving this message in English. Please help translate it.


The Wikimedia Foundation is discussing changes to its Terms of Use. The discussion can be found at Talk:Terms of use. Everyone is invited to join in. Because the new version of Terms of use is not in final form, we are not able to present official translations of it. Volunteers are welcome to translate it, as German volunteers have done at m:Terms of use/de, but we ask that you note at the top that the translation is unofficial and may become outdated as the English version is changed. The translation request can be found at m:Translation requests/WMF/Terms of Use 2 -- Maggie Dennis, Community Liaison 00:32, 27 oktobar 2011 (KSV)[odgovori]

Universal Declaration of Human Rights


As I was creating oldwikisource:Universal Declaration of Human Rights, I noticed that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not on the Wikizvor. If I'm right, the text is avalaible here : [4] (and here in cyrillic [5]).

I don’t know how this wikisource works : is this text acceptable here ? Could someone import it ?

Cdlt, VIGNERON 15:11, 4 novembar 2011 (KSV)[odgovori]

Open Call for 2012 Wikimedia Fellowship Applicants

I apologize that you are receiving this message in English. Please help translate it.

  • Do you want to help attract new contributors to Wikimedia projects?
  • Do you want to improve retention of our existing editors?
  • Do you want to strengthen our community by diversifying its base and increasing the overall number of excellent participants around the world?

The Wikimedia Foundation is seeking Community Fellows and project ideas for the Community Fellowship Program. A Fellowship is a temporary position at the Wikimedia Foundation in order to work on a specific project or set of projects. Submissions for 2012 are encouraged to focus on the theme of improving editor retention and increasing participation in Wikimedia projects. If interested, please submit a project idea or apply to be a fellow by January 15, 2012. Please visit https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Fellowships for more information.


--Siko Bouterse, Head of Community Fellowships, Wikimedia Foundation 12:49, 21 decembar 2011 (KSV)[odgovori]

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Announcing Wikipedia 1.19 beta

Wikimedia Foundation is getting ready to push out 1.19 to all the WMF-hosted wikis. As we finish wrapping up our code review, you can test the new version right now on beta.wmflabs.org. For more information, please read the release notes or the start of the final announcement.

The following are the areas that you will probably be most interested in:

  • Faster loading of javascript files makes dependency tracking more important.
  • New common*.css files usable by skins instead of having to copy piles of generic styles from MonoBook or Vector's css.
  • The default user signature now contains a talk link in addition to the user link.
  • Searching blocked usernames in block log is now clearer.
  • Better timezone recognition in user preferences.
  • Improved diff readability for colorblind people.
  • The interwiki links table can now be accessed also when the interwiki cache is used (used in the API and the Interwiki extension).
  • More gender support (for instance in logs and user lists).
  • Language converter improved, e.g. it now works depending on the page content language.
  • Time and number-formatting magic words also now depend on the page content language.
  • Bidirectional support further improved after 1.18.

Report any problems on the labs beta wiki and we'll work to address them before they software is released to the production wikis.

Note that this cluster does have SUL but it is not integrated with SUL in production, so you'll need to create another account. You should avoid using the same password as you use here. — Global message delivery 23:58, 14 januar 2012 (KSV)

Wsexport: an automatic export tool for Wikisource

Hello, and first sorry for this automatic delivery message.

An export tool for Wikisource books, Wsexport, is currently in active development. It is a tool for exporting Wikisource's texts in EPUB, ODT and other file formats. It was created for French Wikisource, but it's also available for the other Wikisource subdomains. It can be used directly from its page on Toolserver.org (for texts in all languages, use "www" for oldwikisource), or browsing http://wsexport.fr.nf (currently only for French Wikisource's texts).

In order to work, the tool need some configuration from your Wikisource subdomain, This page explains how to do it. Currently French, Italian, English, and German Wikisource does it.

You will find more information on The global Scriptorium. Ask here for all question.

This message was distributed to all Wikisources using the Global message delivery system. If you want to use it to send your messages, ask for permission here. Tpt (d) 21:15, 15 januar 2012 (KSV)

MediaWiki 1.19

(Apologies if this message isn't in your language.) The Wikimedia Foundation is planning to upgrade MediaWiki (the software powering this wiki) to its latest version this month. You can help to test it before it is enabled, to avoid disruption and breakage. More information is available in the full announcement. Thank you for your understanding.

Guillaume Paumier, via the Global message delivery system (wrong page? You can fix it.). 14:51, 12 februar 2012 (KSV)[odgovori]

Bot flag for GedawyBot

  • Bot  : GedawyBot
  • Operator  : M.Gedawy
  • Programming Language(s)  : Python (pywikipedia)
  • Function Summary  : Interwiki
  • Contributions  : see here
  • Already has bot flag on  : +150 wikis

I will make another request on meta. Thank you.--M.Gedawy 09:55, 13 februar 2012 (KSV)[odgovori]

Nastavak kategorizacije

Treba nastaviti kategorizaciju članaka, te prebacivati iz ove zasad nestvorene kategorije u ovu stvorenu kategoriju. Na taj način Wikizvor na bosanskom jeziku će dobiti preko 110 novih članaka/stranica. -- Bugoslav (razgovor) 19:35, 12. maja 2012. (CEST)

Update on IPv6

(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it, as well as the full version of this announcement on Meta)

The Wikimedia Foundation is planning to do limited testing of IPv6 on June 2-3. If there are not too many problems, we may fully enable IPv6 on World IPv6 day (June 6), and keep it enabled.

What this means for your project:

  • At least on June 2-3, 2012, you may see a small number of edits from IPv6 addresses, which are in the form "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334". See e.g. w:en:IPv6 address. These addresses should behave like any other IP address: You can leave messages on their talk pages; you can track their contributions; you can block them. (See the full version of this announcement for notes on range blocks.)
  • In the mid term, some user scripts and tools will need to be adapted for IPv6.
  • We suspect that IPv6 usage is going to be very low initially, meaning that abuse should be manageable, and we will assist in the monitoring of the situation.

Read the full version of this announcement on how to test the behavior of IPv6 with various tools and how to leave bug reports, and to find a fuller analysis of the implications of the IPv6 migration.

--Erik Möller, VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation 00:45, 2 juni 2012 (KSV)[odgovori]

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2011 Picture of the Year competition


Dear Wikimedians,

Wikimedia Commons is happy to announce that the 2011 Picture of the Year competition is now open. We are interested in your opinion as to which images qualify to be the Picture of the Year 2011. Any user registered at Commons or a Wikimedia wiki SUL-related to Commons with more than 75 edits before 1 April 2012 (UTC) is welcome to vote and, of course everyone is welcome to view!

Detailed information about the contest can be found at the introductory page.

About 600 of the best of Wikimedia Common's photos, animations, movies and graphics were chosen –by the international Wikimedia Commons community– out of 12 million files during 2011 and are now called Featured Pictures.

From professional animal and plant shots to breathtaking panoramas and skylines, restorations of historically relevant images, images portraying the world's best architecture, maps, emblems, diagrams created with the most modern technology, and impressive human portraits, Commons Features Pictures of all flavors.

For your convenience, we have sorted the images into topic categories.

We regret that you receive this message in English; we intended to use banners to notify you in your native language but there was both, human and technical resistance.

See you on Commons! --Picture of the Year 2011 Committee 18:05, 5 juni 2012 (KSV)

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Mobile view as default view coming soon

(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it, as well as the instructions on Meta)

The mobile view of this project and others will soon become the default view on mobile devices (except tablets). Some language versions of these projects currently show no content on the mobile home page, and it is a good time to do a little formatting so users get a mobile-friendly view, or to add to existing mobile content if some already exists.

If you are an administrator, please consider helping with this change. There are instructions which are being translated. The proposed date of switching the default view is June 21.

To contact the mobile team, email mobile-feedback-llists.wikimedia.org.

--Phil Inje Chang, Product Manager, Mobile, Wikimedia Foundation 08:26, 16 juni 2012 (KSV)[odgovori]

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Help decide about more than $10 million of Wikimedia donations in the coming year

(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it)


As many of you are aware, the Wikimedia Board of Trustees recently initiated important changes in the way that money is being distributed within the Wikimedia movement. As part of this, a new community-led "Funds Dissemination Committee" (FDC) is currently being set up. Already in 2012-13, its recommendations will guide the decisions about the distribution of over 10 million US dollars among the Foundation, chapters and other eligible entities.

Now, seven capable, knowledgeable and trustworthy community members are sought to volunteer on the initial Funds Dissemination Committee. It is expected to take up its work in September. In addition, a community member is sought to be the Ombudsperson for the FDC process. If you are interested in joining the committee, read the call for volunteers. Nominations are planned to close on August 15.

--Anasuya Sengupta, Director of Global Learning and Grantmaking, Wikimedia Foundation 19:54, 19 juli 2012 (KSV)[odgovori]

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Da li će biti zaštite od hakera?

Ja licno mislim da bise ovaj pod-projekat trebao zaštititi tako da sekcija wikiizvora bude ovakva: -da komentarisati mogu svi,ali da postavito npr povelja o kulinu banu tu npr moze svako da mjenja ko moze neko napisati iz sale nesto sto nije tacno! hvala na razumjevanju

Promjena imena

Na BS Wikipediji promijenio sam ime "Kukac" u "KWiki". Kako to mogu uraditi ovdje, a i na ostalim sestrinskim projektima (tj. da se izmjene koje sam uradio kao "Kukac" pridruže "KWikiju")? -- Kukac (razgovor) 18:36, 13. augusta 2012. (CEST) 16:36, 13 august 2012 (KSV)[odgovori]

I will answer in English, if it's Ok? Unfortunate it's quite complicated to change the name on Wikipedia. You have to go to every wiki and change your name (as you did on bs.wp). Maybe you can get help on meta. Please make a request there. I believe that they can only change your username on wikis with no active bureaucrats. On big wikis such as en.wp you have place your request by your self. Please, whatever you do don't log in with your new account (KWiki) on Wikipedia (besides bs.wp), it will only make things more difficult. Here are some useful links:
I hope this will help you --DzWiki (razgovor) 17:37, 13 august 2012 (KSV)[odgovori]

Request for Comment: Legal Fees Assistance Program

I apologize for addressing you in English. I would be grateful if you could translate this message into your language.

The Wikimedia Foundation is conducting a request for comment on a proposed program that could provide legal assistance to users in specific support roles who are named in a legal complaint as a defendant because of those roles. We wanted to be sure that your community was aware of this discussion and would have a chance to participate in that discussion.

If this page is not the best place to publicize this request for comment, please help spread the word to those who may be interested in participating. (If you'd like to help translating the "request for comment", program policy or other pages into your language and don't know how the translation system works, please come by my user talk page at m:User talk:Mdennis (WMF). I'll be happy to assist or to connect you with a volunteer who can assist.)

Thank you! --Mdennis (WMF)01:48, 6 septembar 2012 (KSV)[odgovori]

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Wikidata is getting close to a first roll-out

(Apologies if this message isn't in your language.)

As some of you might already have heard Wikimedia Deutschland is working on a new Wikimedia project. It is called m:Wikidata. The goal of Wikidata is to become a central data repository for the Wikipedias, its sister projects and the world. In the future it will hold data like the number of inhabitants of a country, the date of birth of a famous person or the length of a river. These can then be used in all Wikimedia projects and outside of them.

The project is divided into three phases and "we are getting close to roll-out the first phase". The phases are:

  1. language links in the Wikipedias (making it possible to store the links between the language editions of an article just once in Wikidata instead of in each linked article)
  2. infoboxes (making it possible to store the data that is currently in infoboxes in one central place and share the data)
  3. lists (making it possible to create lists and similar things based on queries to Wikidata so they update automatically when new data is added or modified)

It'd be great if you could join us, test the demo version, provide feedback and take part in the development of Wikidata. You can find all the relevant information including an FAQ and sign-up links for our on-wiki newsletter on the Wikidata page on Meta.

For further discussions please use this talk page (if you are uncomfortable writing in English you can also write in your native language there) or point me to the place where your discussion is happening so I can answer there.

--Lydia Pintscher 13:08, 10 septembar 2012 (KSV)[odgovori]

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Upcoming software changes - please report any problems

(Apologies if this message isn't in your language. Please consider translating it)

All Wikimedia wikis - including this one - will soon be upgraded with new and possibly disruptive code. This process starts today and finishes on October 24 (see the upgrade schedule & code details).

Please watch for problems with:

  • revision diffs
  • templates
  • CSS and JavaScript pages (like user scripts)
  • bots
  • PDF export
  • images, video, and sound, especially scaling sizes
  • the CologneBlue skin

If you notice any problems, please report problems at our defect tracker site. You can test for possible problems at test2.wikipedia.org and mediawiki.org, which have already been updated.

Thanks! With your help we can find problems fast and get them fixed faster.

Sumana Harihareswara, Wikimedia Foundation Engineering Community Manager (talk) 02:43, 16 oktobar 2012 (KSV)[odgovori]

P.S.: For the regular, smaller MediaWiki updates every two weeks, please watch this schedule.

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Fundraising localization: volunteers from outside the USA needed

Please translate for your local community

Hello All,

The Wikimedia Foundation's Fundraising team have begun our 'User Experience' project, with the goal of understanding the donation experience in different countries outside the USA and enhancing the localization of our donation pages. I am searching for volunteers to spend 30 minutes on a Skype chat with me, reviewing their own country's donation pages. It will be done on a 'usability' format (I will ask you to read the text and go through the donation flow) and will be asking your feedback in the meanwhile.

The only pre-requisite is for the volunteer to actually live in the country and to have access to at least one donation method that we offer for that country (mainly credit/debit card, but also real-time banking like IDEAL, E-wallets, etc...) so we can do a live test and see if the donation goes through. All volunteers will be reimbursed of the donations that eventually succeed (and they will be low amounts, like 1-2 dollars)

By helping us you are actually helping thousands of people to support our mission of free knowledge across the world. Please sing up and help us with our 'User Experience' project! :) If you are interested (or know of anyone who could be) please email ppena@wikimedia.org. All countries needed (excepting USA)!

Pats Pena
Global Fundraising Operations Manager, Wikimedia Foundation

Sent using Global message delivery, 16:48, 17 oktobar 2012 (KSV)

Be a Wikimedia fundraising "User Experience" volunteer!

Thank you to everyone who volunteered last year on the Wikimedia fundraising 'User Experience' project. We have talked to many different people in different countries and their feedback has helped us immensely in restructuring our pages. If you haven't heard of it yet, the 'User Experience' project has the goal of understanding the donation experience in different countries (outside the USA) and enhancing the localization of our donation pages.

I am (still) searching for volunteers to spend some time on a Skype chat with me, reviewing their own country's donation pages. It will be done on a 'usability' format (I will ask you to read the text and go through the donation flow) and will be asking your feedback in the meanwhile.

The only pre-requisite is for the volunteer to actually live in the country and to have access to at least one donation method that we offer for that country (mainly credit/debit card, but also real time banking like IDEAL, E-wallets, etc...) so we can do a live test and see if the donation goes through. **All volunteers will be reimbursed of the donations that eventually succeed (and they will be very low amounts, like 1-2 dollars)**

By helping us you are actually helping thousands of people to support our mission of free knowledge across the world. If you are interested (or know of anyone who could be) please email ppena@wikimedia.org. All countries needed (excepting USA)!!


Pats Pena
Global Fundraising Operations Manager, Wikimedia Foundation

Sent using Global message delivery, 20:39, 8 januar 2013 (KSV)

Wikimedia sites to move to primary data center in Ashburn, Virginia. Read-only mode expected.

(Apologies if this message isn't in your language.) Next week, the Wikimedia Foundation will transition its main technical operations to a new data center in Ashburn, Virginia, USA. This is intended to improve the technical performance and reliability of all Wikimedia sites, including this wiki. There will be some times when the site will be in read-only mode, and there may be full outages; the current target windows for the migration are January 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2013, from 17:00 to 01:00 UTC (see other timezones on timeanddate.com). More information is available in the full announcement.

If you would like to stay informed of future technical upgrades, consider becoming a Tech ambassador and joining the ambassadors mailing list. You will be able to help your fellow Wikimedians have a voice in technical discussions and be notified of important decisions.

Thank you for your help and your understanding.

Guillaume Paumier, via the Global message delivery system (wrong page? You can fix it.). 15:04, 19 januar 2013 (KSV)[odgovori]

Help turn ideas into grants in the new IdeaLab

I apologize if this message is not in your language. Please help translate it.

  • Do you have an idea for a project to improve this community or website?
  • Do you think you could complete your idea if only you had some funding?
  • Do you want to help other people turn their ideas into project plans or grant proposals?

Please join us in the IdeaLab, an incubator for project ideas and Individual Engagement Grant proposals.

The Wikimedia Foundation is seeking new ideas and proposals for Individual Engagement Grants. These grants fund individuals or small groups to complete projects that help improve this community. If interested, please submit a completed proposal by February 15, 2013. Please visit https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:IEG for more information.

Thanks! --Siko Bouterse, Head of Individual Engagement Grants, Wikimedia Foundation 20:10, 30 januar 2013 (KSV)[odgovori]

Distributed via Global message delivery. (Wrong page? Correct it here.)

Please comment on Individual Engagement Grant proposals until February 21

I apologize if this message is not in your language. Please help translate it.

The Wikimedia Foundation is considering Individual Engagement Grant proposals from community members. Please join the discussion and share your thoughts about these ideas, until February 21. The following proposal may be of particular relevance for this Wikimedia project:

Thanks! --Siko Bouterse, Head of Individual Engagement Grants, Wikimedia Foundation 01:00, 20 februar 2013 (KSV) Distributed via Global message delivery. (Wrong page? Correct it here.)[odgovori]

Convert complex templates to Lua to make them faster and more powerful

(Please consider translating this message for the benefit of your fellow Wikimedians)

Greetings. As you might have seen on the Wikimedia tech blog or the tech ambassadors list, a new functionality called "Lua" is being enabled on all Wikimedia sites today. Lua is a scripting language that enables you to write faster and more powerful MediaWiki templates.

If you have questions about how to convert existing templates to Lua (or how to create new ones), we'll be holding two support sessions on IRC next week: one on Wednesday (for Oceania, Asia & America) and one on Friday (for Europe, Africa & America); see m:IRC office hours for the details. If you can't make it, you can also get help at mw:Talk:Lua scripting.

If you'd like to learn about this kind of events earlier in advance, consider becoming a Tech ambassador by subscribing to the mailing list. You will also be able to help your fellow Wikimedians have a voice in technical discussions and be notified of important decisions.

Guillaume Paumier, via the Global message delivery system. 18:48, 13 mart 2013 (KSV) (wrong page? You can fix it.)[odgovori]

(Please consider translating this message for the benefit of your fellow Wikimedians. Please also consider translating the proposal.)

Read this message in English / Lleer esti mensaxe n'asturianu / বাংলায় এই বার্তাটি পড়ুন / Llegiu aquest missatge en català / Læs denne besked på dansk / Lies diese Nachricht auf Deutsch / Leś cal mesag' chè in Emiliàn / Leer este mensaje en español / Lue tämä viesti suomeksi / Lire ce message en français / Ler esta mensaxe en galego / हिन्दी / Pročitajte ovu poruku na hrvatskom / Baca pesan ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia / Leggi questo messaggio in italiano / ಈ ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಓದಿ / Aqra dan il-messaġġ bil-Malti / norsk (bokmål) / Lees dit bericht in het Nederlands / Przeczytaj tę wiadomość po polsku / Citiți acest mesaj în română / Прочитать это сообщение на русском / Farriintaan ku aqri Af-Soomaali / Pročitaj ovu poruku na srpskom (Прочитај ову поруку на српском) / อ่านข้อความนี้ในภาษาไทย / Прочитати це повідомлення українською мовою / Đọc thông báo bằng tiếng Việt / 使用中文阅读本信息。


There is a new request for comment on Meta-Wiki concerning the removal of administrative rights from long-term inactive Wikimedians. Generally, this proposal from stewards would apply to wikis without an administrators' review process.

We are also compiling a list of projects with procedures for removing inactive administrators on the talk page of the request for comment. Feel free to add your project(s) to the list if you have a policy on administrator inactivity.

All input is appreciated. The discussion may close as soon as 21 May 2013 (2013-05-21), but this will be extended if needed.

Thanks, Billinghurst (thanks to all the translators!) 04:22, 24 april 2013 (KSV)[odgovori]

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Wikisource vision development: News April 2013

I apologize if this message is not in your language. Please help translate it.

Dear Wikisourcerors, it has been almost a month since we have started with the Elaborate Wikisource strategic vision grant and we would like to share some news with you:

And that's it for now! During the month of May, we (Aubrey and Micru) would like to organize at least one Skype or Google Hangout meeting for the users of each one of the 10 biggest wikisources plus another one or two for the other languages (depending on interest). We want to know your opinion on what Wikisource should become in the next years.

Thanks! --Micru and Aubrey 00:55, 27 april 2013 (KSV)

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[en] Change to wiki account system and account renaming

Some accounts will soon be renamed due to a technical change that the developer team at Wikimedia are making. More details on Meta.

(Distributed via global message delivery 03:21, 30 april 2013 (KSV). Wrong page? Correct it here.)

[en] Change to section edit links

The default position of the "edit" link in page section headers is going to change soon. The "edit" link will be positioned adjacent to the page header text rather than floating opposite it.

Section edit links will be to the immediate right of section titles, instead of on the far right. If you're an editor of one of the wikis which already implemented this change, nothing will substantially change for you; however, scripts and gadgets depending on the previous implementation of section edit links will have to be adjusted to continue working; however, nothing else should break even if they are not updated in time.

Detailed information and a timeline is available on meta.

Ideas to do this all the way to 2009 at least. It is often difficult to track which of several potential section edit links on the far right is associated with the correct section, and many readers and anonymous or new editors may even be failing to notice section edit links at all, since they read section titles, which are far away from the links.

(Distributed via global message delivery 18:11, 30 april 2013 (KSV). Wrong page? Correct it here.)

Tech newsletter: Subscribe to receive the next editions

Tech news prepared by tech ambassadors and posted by Global message deliveryContributeTranslateGet helpGive feedbackUnsubscribe • 20:17, 20 maj 2013 (KSV)
Important note: This is the first edition of the Tech News weekly summaries, which help you monitor recent software changes likely to impact you and your fellow Wikimedians.

If you want to continue to receive the next issues every week, please subscribe to the newsletter. You can subscribe your personal talk page and a community page like this one. The newsletter can be translated into your language.

You can also become a tech ambassador, help us write the next newsletter and tell us what to improve. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. guillom 20:17, 20 maj 2013 (KSV)[odgovori]

Trademark discussion

Hi, apologies for posting this in English, but I wanted to alert your community to a discussion on Meta about potential changes to the Wikimedia Trademark Policy. Please translate this statement if you can. We hope that you will all participate in the discussion; we also welcome translations of the legal team’s statement into as many languages as possible and encourage you to voice your thoughts there. Please see the Trademark practices discussion (on Meta-Wiki) for more information. Thank you! --Mdennis (WMF) (talk)

Universal Language Selector will be enabled on 2013-07-09

Pywikipedia is migrating to git

Hello, Sorry for English but It's very important for bot operators so I hope someone translates this. Pywikipedia is migrating to Git so after July 26, SVN checkouts won't be updated If you're using Pywikipedia you have to switch to git, otherwise you will use out-dated framework and your bot might not work properly. There is a manual for doing that and a blog post explaining about this change in non-technical language. If you have question feel free to ask in mw:Manual talk:Pywikipediabot/Gerrit, mailing list, or in the IRC channel. Best Amir (via Global message delivery). 12:56, 23 juli 2013 (KSV)[odgovori]

HTTPS for users with an account

Greetings. Starting on August 21 (tomorrow), all users with an account will be using HTTPS to access Wikimedia sites. HTTPS brings better security and improves your privacy. More information is available at m:HTTPS.

If HTTPS causes problems for you, tell us on bugzilla, on IRC (in the #wikimedia-operations channel) or on meta. If you can't use the other methods, you can also send an e-mail to https@wikimedia.org.

Greg Grossmeier (via the Global message delivery system). 18:47, 20 august 2013 (KSV) (wrong page? You can fix it.)[odgovori]

Notifications inform you of new activity that affects you -- and let you take quick action.

(This message is in English, please translate as needed)


Notifications will inform users about new activity that affects them on this wiki in a unified way: for example, this new tool will let you know when you have new talk page messages, edit reverts, mentions or links -- and is designed to augment (rather than replace) the watchlist. The Wikimedia Foundation's editor engagement team developed this tool (code-named 'Echo') earlier this year, to help users contribute more productively to MediaWiki projects.

We're now getting ready to bring Notifications to almost all other Wikimedia sites, and are aiming for a 22 October deployment, as outlined in this release plan. It is important that notifications is translated for all of the languages we serve.

There are three major points of translation needed to be either done or checked:

Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or comments about this new tool. For more information, visit this project hub and this help page. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 18:12, 4 oktobar 2013 (KSV)[odgovori]

(via the Global message delivery system) (wrong page? You can fix it.)

Speak up about the trademark registration of the Community logo.

Introducting Beta Features

(Apologies for writing in English. Please translate if necessary)

We would like to let you know about Beta Features, a new program from the Wikimedia Foundation that lets you try out new features before they are released for everyone.

Think of it as a digital laboratory where community members can preview upcoming software and give feedback to help improve them. This special preference page lets designers and engineers experiment with new features on a broad scale, but in a way that's not disruptive.

Beta Features is now ready for testing on MediaWiki.org. It will also be released on Wikimedia Commons and MetaWiki this Thursday, 7 November. Based on test results, the plan is to release it on all wikis worldwide on 21 November, 2013.

Here are the first features you can test this week:

Would you like to try out Beta Features now? After you log in on MediaWiki.org, a small 'Beta' link will appear next to your 'Preferences'. Click on it to see features you can test, check the ones you want, then click 'Save'. Learn more on the Beta Features page.

After you've tested Beta Features, please let the developers know what you think on this discussion page -- or report any bugs here on Bugzilla. You're also welcome to join this IRC office hours chat on Friday, 8 November at 18:30 UTC.

Beta Features was developed by the Wikimedia Foundation's Design, Multimedia and VisualEditor teams. Along with other developers, they will be adding new features to this experimental program every few weeks. They are very grateful to all the community members who helped create this project — and look forward to many more productive collaborations in the future.

Enjoy, and don't forget to let developers know what you think! Keegan (WMF) (talk) 19:33, 5 novembar 2013 (KSV)[odgovori]

Distributed via Global message delivery (wrong page? Correct it here), 19:33, 5 novembar 2013 (KSV)

Call for comments on draft trademark policy

IMPORTANT: Admin activity review

Hello. A new policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc) was recently adopted by global community consensus (your community received a notice about the discussion). According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing administrators' activity on smaller wikis. To the best of our knowledge, your wiki does not have a formal process for removing "advanced rights" from inactive accounts. This means that the stewards will take care of this according to the new admin activity review here.

We have determined that the following users meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for more than 2 years):

  1. Kahriman (administrator)

These users will receive a notification soon, asking them to start a community discussion if they want to retain some or all of their rights. If the users do not respond, then their advanced rights will be removed by the stewards.

However, if you as a community would like to create your own activity review process superseding the global one, want to make another decision about these inactive rights holders, or already have a policy that we missed, then please notify the stewards on Meta-Wiki so that we know not to proceed with the rights review on your wiki. Thanks, QuiteUnusual (razgovor) 22:33, 7 decembar 2013 (KSV)[odgovori]

Reminder: Wikidata coming on January 14th

(This is a message to all Wikisource editions. Sorry for writing in English. I hope someone can translate this for me on the non-English editions.)


I am Wikidata's product manager. If you are unfamilar with Wikidata please have a look at d:Q3107329 for example.

As you might already have heard Wikisource will be the fourth project supported by Wikidata after Wikipedia, Wikivoyage and Commons. We are currently planning this for January 14th. From this point on you will be able to handle the links between projects in Wikidata. This means you will only have to maintain them once instead of having them duplicated in every article. However fear not: the local interwiki links will still continue to work and they will overwrite what comes from Wikidata.

This is the first step of Wikidata supporting Wikisource. In a second step we will enable access to the actual data on Wikidata like biographical data about authors. I do not have a date for that yet however.

The planning is happening at d:Wikidata:Wikisource. We are still looking for some more ambassadors who can help during the process and make sure everything goes smoothly for you. Please add your name to the list at d:Wikidata:Wikisource if you're willing to do this.

If you have questions please also post them on the discussion page of d:Wikidata:Wikisource.

Cheers Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) 19:34, 29 decembar 2013 (KSV)[odgovori]

Wikidata is here!

Hey everyone :)

As previously announced we have just enabled interwiki links via Wikidata for Wikisource. This means from now on you no longer have to maintain the links in the Wikitext but can maintain them together with the links for Wikipedia, Commons and Wikivoyage on Wikidata. You will still be able to keep them locally though if you want to. Local interwiki links will overwrite the ones from Wikidata. You do not yet have access to the other data on Wikidata like the date of birth of an author. That will come in a future deployment. I will let you know when I have a date for it.

If you have any questions d:Wikidata:Wikisource is a good first step. It also has a list of people familiar with both Wikisource and Wikidata who are able to help you out. That is also a good place for any issues or bugs you encounter.

I'm really excited to welcome you all to Wikidata! I hope it will become a great help for Wikisource.

Cheers Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) via MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 21:07, 14 januar 2014 (KSV)[odgovori]

Request for comment on Commons: Should Wikimedia support MP4 video?

I apologize for this message being only in English. Please translate it if needed to help your community.

The Wikimedia Foundation's multimedia team seeks community guidance on a proposal to support the MP4 video format. This digital video standard is used widely around the world to record, edit and watch videos on mobile phones, desktop computers and home video devices. It is also known as H.264/MPEG-4 or AVC.

Supporting the MP4 format would make it much easier for our users to view and contribute video on Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects -- and video files could be offered in dual formats on our sites, so we could continue to support current open formats (WebM and Ogg Theora).

However, MP4 is a patent-encumbered format, and using a proprietary format would be a departure from our current practice of only supporting open formats on our sites -- even though the licenses appear to have acceptable legal terms, with only a small fee required.

We would appreciate your guidance on whether or not to support MP4. Our Request for Comments presents views both in favor and against MP4 support, based on opinions we’ve heard in our discussions with community and team members.

Please join this RfC -- and share your advice.

All users are welcome to participate, whether you are active on Commons, Wikipedia, other Wikimedia project -- or any site that uses content from our free media repository.

You are also welcome to join tomorrow's Office hours chat on IRC, this Thursday, January 16, at 19:00 UTC, if you would like to discuss this project with our team and other community members.

We look forward to a constructive discussion with you, so we can make a more informed decision together on this important topic. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 06:46, 16 januar 2014 (KSV)[odgovori]

Access to data in Wikidata

Hey :)

(Sorry for writing in English. I hope someone can translate this for me where necessary.)

Not long ago we enabled language links via Wikidata for Wikisource. This seems to have gone rather smoothly. Thanks to everyone who helped! But as you know this was only the start. What is actually more interesting is access to the data in Wikidata like the date of birth of an author or the year a book was published. We have planned this for February 25th (unless any issues arise). You will then be able to use the data in your articles. I hope this will open up a lot of new opportunities for you.

If you have any questions d:Wikidata:Wikisource is a good place to find help.

Cheers Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) 13:51, 27 januar 2014 (KSV)[odgovori]

Universal Language Selector will be enabled by default again on this wiki by 21 February 2014

On January 21 2014 the MediaWiki extension Universal Language Selector (ULS) was disabled on this wiki. A new preference was added for logged-in users to turn on ULS. This was done to prevent slow loading of pages due to ULS webfonts, a behaviour that had been observed by the Wikimedia Technical Operations team on some wikis.

We are now ready to enable ULS again. The temporary preference to enable ULS will be removed. A new checkbox has been added to the Language Panel to enable/disable font delivery. This will be unchecked by default for this wiki, but can be selected at any time by the users to enable webfonts. This is an interim solution while we improve the feature of webfonts delivery.

You can read the announcement and the development plan for more information. Apologies for writing this message only in English. Thank you. Runa

Amendment to the Terms of Use

You can now access the data on Wikidata

Hey folks,

We have just enabled data access to Wikidata for Wikisource (except old-wikisource). This means you can now access data like the date of birth of an author or the ISBN of a book. You can do this in two ways. The first one is a parser function. You can use it like {{#property:capital}} or {{#property:P36}}. The second one is Lua. The documentation for that is at mw:Extension:WikibaseClient/Lua

If you have any questions you will find help at d:Wikidata:Wikisource and its talk page.

I hope you'll use this to do some kick-ass things on Wikisource ;-)

Cheers Lydia Pintscher 19:54, 25 februar 2014 (KSV)

Call for project ideas: funding is available for community experiments

I apologize if this message is not in your language. Please help translate it.

Do you have an idea for a project that could improve your community? Individual Engagement Grants from the Wikimedia Foundation help support individuals and small teams to organize experiments for 6 months. You can get funding to try out your idea for online community organizing, outreach, tool-building, or research to help make Wikizvor better. In March, we’re looking for new project proposals.

Examples of past Individual Engagement Grant projects:

Proposals are due by 31 March 2014. There are a number of ways to get involved!

Hope to have your participation,

--Siko Bouterse, Head of Individual Engagement Grants, Wikimedia Foundation 19:44, 28 februar 2014 (KSV)[odgovori]

Proposed optional changes to Terms of Use amendment

Hello all, in response to some community comments in the discussion on the amendment to the Terms of Use on undisclosed paid editing, we have prepared two optional changes. Please read about these optional changes on Meta wiki and share your comments. If you can (and this is a non english project), please translate this announcement. Thanks! Slaporte (WMF) 21:55, 13 mart 2014 (KSV)[odgovori]

Changes to the default site typography coming soon

This week, the typography on Wikimedia sites will be updated for all readers and editors who use the default "Vector" skin. This change will involve new serif fonts for some headings, small tweaks to body content fonts, text size, text color, and spacing between elements. The schedule is:

  • April 1st: non-Wikipedia projects will see this change live
  • April 3rd: Wikipedias will see this change live

This change is very similar to the "Typography Update" Beta Feature that has been available on Wikimedia projects since November 2013. After several rounds of testing and with feedback from the community, this Beta Feature will be disabled and successful aspects enabled in the default site appearance. Users who are logged in may still choose to use another skin, or alter their personal CSS, if they prefer a different appearance. Local common CSS styles will also apply as normal, for issues with local styles and scripts that impact all users.

For more information:

-- Steven Walling (Product Manager) on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation's User Experience Design team

Wikimedia Highlights, mart 2014.

Istaknuto iz izvještaja Wikimedia Fondacije i izvještaja Wikimedia inženjeringa za mart 2014., sa odabirom drugih važnih događaja iz Wikimedia pokreta
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 05:27, 6 maj 2014 (KSV)

Wikisource meetup at Wikimania 2014

Wikimania 2014 will be held in London this August and it will be a great opportunity to discuss how to use the recently created Wikisource Community User Group to coordinate and to better promote Wikisource. We would like to invite the participants of each Wikisource language community to showcase the projects has been working in the past year and, of course, learn from each other experiences. See you there? Sign up in the meeting page.
The preceding MassMessage was sent by Micru on behalf of the Wikisource Community User Group.--06:59, 13 maj 2014 (KSV)

Media Viewer

Greetings, my apologies for writing in English.

I wanted to let you know that Media Viewer will be released to this wiki in the coming weeks. Media Viewer allows readers of Wikimedia projects to have an enhanced view of files without having to visit the file page, but with more detail than a thumbnail. You can try Media Viewer out now by turning it on in your Beta Features. If you do not enjoy Media Viewer or if it interferes with your work after it is turned on you will be able to disable Media Viewer as well in your preferences. I invite you to share what you think about Media Viewer and how it can be made better in the future.

Thank you for your time. - Keegan (WMF) 21:29, 23 maj 2014 (KSV)[odgovori]

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Using only UploadWizard for uploads

Wikimedia Commons logo

Hello! Sorry for writing in English. It was noted that on this wiki upload is not fully functional for users, who will experience a very difficult and/or illegal uploading. In fact, the licenses/copyright tags dropdown is empty, making it hard or impossible to comply with copyright requirements during upload itself.

Presumably, you don't have interest nor energies to have hundreds templates with the now required HTML, even less a local EDP. I propose to have

so that you can avoid local maintenance and all users can have a functioning, easy upload interface in their own language. All registered users can upload on Commons and existing files will not be affected.

All this will get done around 2014-07-03.

  1. If you disagree with the proposal, just remove your wiki from the list. Remember also to create MediaWiki:Licenses locally with any content (see a simple example), or uploads will be soon disabled anyway by MediaWiki itself (starting in version 1.24wmf11).
  2. To make the UploadWizard even better, please tell your experience and ideas on commons:Commons:Upload Wizard feedback.

Nemo 13:09, 19 juni 2014 (KSV)[odgovori]

Media Viewer is now live on this wiki

Media Viewer lets you see images in larger size

Greetings— and sorry for writing in English, please translate if it will help your community,

The Wikimedia Foundation's Multimedia team is happy to announce that Media Viewer was just released on this site today.

Media Viewer displays images in larger size when you click on their thumbnails, to provide a better viewing experience. Users can now view images faster and more clearly, without having to jump to separate pages — and its user interface is more intuitive, offering easy access to full-resolution images and information, with links to the file repository for editing. The tool has been tested extensively across all Wikimedia wikis over the past six months as a Beta Feature and has been released to the largest Wikipedias, all language Wikisources, and the English Wikivoyage already.

If you do not like this feature, you can easily turn it off by clicking on "Disable Media Viewer" at the bottom of the screen, pulling up the information panel (or in your your preferences) whether you have an account or not. Learn more in this Media Viewer Help page.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments about Media Viewer. You are invited to share your feedback in this discussion on MediaWiki.org in any language, to help improve this feature. You are also welcome to take this quick survey in English, en français, o español.

We hope you enjoy Media Viewer. Many thanks to all the community members who helped make it possible. - Fabrice Florin (WMF) (talk) 21:54, 19 juni 2014 (KSV)[odgovori]

--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!

Letter petitioning WMF to reverse recent decisions

The Wikimedia Foundation recently created a new feature, "superprotect" status. The purpose is to prevent pages from being edited by elected administrators -- but permitting WMF staff to edit them. It has been put to use in only one case: to protect the deployment of the Media Viewer software on German Wikipedia, in defiance of a clear decision of that community to disable the feature by default, unless users decide to enable it.

If you oppose these actions, please add your name to this letter. If you know non-Wikimedians who support our vision for the free sharing of knowledge, and would like to add their names to the list, please ask them to sign an identical version of the letter on change.org.

-- JurgenNL (talk) 17:35, 21 august 2014 (KSV)[odgovori]

Process ideas for software development

’’My apologies for writing in English.’’


I am notifying you that a brainstorming session has been started on Meta to help the Wikimedia Foundation increase and better affect community participation in software development across all wiki projects. Basically, how can you be more involved in helping to create features on Wikimedia projects? We are inviting all interested users to voice their ideas on how communities can be more involved and informed in the product development process at the Wikimedia Foundation. It would be very appreciated if you could translate this message to help inform your local communities as well.

I and the rest of my team welcome you to participate. We hope to see you on Meta.

Kind regards, -- Rdicerb (WMF) talk 22:15, 21 august 2014 (KSV)[odgovori]

--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!

Grants to improve your project

Apologies for English. Please help translate this message.

Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals for funding new experiments from September 1st to 30th. Your idea could improve Wikimedia projects with a new tool or gadget, a better process to support community-building on your wiki, research on an important issue, or something else we haven't thought of yet. Whether you need $200 or $30,000 USD, Individual Engagement Grants can cover your own project development time in addition to hiring others to help you.

Change in renaming process

-- User:Keegan (WMF) (talk) 16:23, 9 September 2014 (UTC)

Meta RfCs on two new global groups

Hello all,

There are currently requests for comment open on meta to create two new global groups. The first is a group for members of the OTRS permissions queue, which would grant them autopatrolled rights on all wikis except those who opt-out. That proposal can be found at m:Requests for comment/Creation of a global OTRS-permissions user group. The second is a group for Wikimedia Commons admins and OTRS agents to view deleted file pages through the 'viewdeletedfile' right on all wikis except those who opt-out. The second proposal can be found at m:Requests for comment/Global file deletion review.

We would like to hear what you think on both proposals. Both are in English; if you wanted to translate them into your native language that would also be appreciated.

It is possible for individual projects to opt-out, so that users in those groups do not have any additional rights on those projects. To do this please start a local discussion, and if there is consensus you can request to opt-out of either or both at m:Stewards' noticeboard.

Thanks and regards, Ajraddatz (talk) 18:04, 26 oktobar 2014 (KSV)[odgovori]

Global AbuseFilter


AbuseFilter is a MediaWiki extension used to detect likely abusive behavior patterns, like pattern vandalism and spam. In 2013, Global AbuseFilters were enabled on a limited set of wikis including Meta-Wiki, MediaWiki.org, Wikispecies and (in early 2014) all the "small wikis". Recently, global abuse filters were enabled on "medium sized wikis" as well. These filters are currently managed by stewards on Meta-Wiki and have shown to be very effective in preventing mass spam attacks across Wikimedia projects. However, there is currently no policy on how the global AbuseFilters will be managed although there are proposals. There is an ongoing request for comment on policy governing the use of the global AbuseFilters. In the meantime, specific wikis can opt out of using the global AbuseFilter. These wikis can simply add a request to this list on Meta-Wiki. More details can be found on this page at Meta-Wiki. If you have any questions, feel free to ask on m:Talk:Global AbuseFilter.


PiRSquared17, Glaisher

— 17:34, 14 novembar 2014 (KSV)

[Global proposal] m.Wikizvor.org: (sve) Uređivanje stranica

MediaWiki mobile

Hi, this message is to let you know that, on domains like bs.m.wikipedia.org, unregistered users cannot edit. At the Wikimedia Forum, where global configuration changes are normally discussed, a few dozens users propose to restore normal editing permissions on all mobile sites. Please read and comment!

Thanks and sorry for writing in English, Nemo 22:32, 1 mart 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

Inspire Campaign: Improving diversity, improving content

This March, we’re organizing an Inspire Campaign to encourage and support new ideas for improving gender diversity on Wikimedia projects. Less than 20% of Wikimedia contributors are women, and many important topics are still missing in our content. We invite all Wikimedians to participate. If you have an idea that could help address this problem, please get involved today! The campaign runs until March 31.

All proposals are welcome - research projects, technical solutions, community organizing and outreach initiatives, or something completely new! Funding is available from the Wikimedia Foundation for projects that need financial support. Constructive, positive feedback on ideas is appreciated, and collaboration is encouraged - your skills and experience may help bring someone else’s project to life. Join us at the Inspire Campaign and help this project better represent the world’s knowledge!

(Sorry for the English - please translate this message!) MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 20:01, 4 mart 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

SUL finalization update

Hi all,apologies for writing in English, please read this page for important information and an update involving SUL finalization, scheduled to take place in one month. Thanks. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 19:45, 13 mart 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

Vijesti iz Wikimedije, januar 2015

Ovo su najvažnije vijesti sa Wikimedia bloga u januaru 2015, koje obrađuju odabrane aktivnosti Wikimedia Fondacije i druge važne događaje iz pokreta Wikimedia.

Help is welcome for translating the February 2015 Wikimedia Highlights, too.

About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 18:44, 28 mart 2015 (KSV)

Stewards confirmation rules

Hello, I made a proposal on Meta to change the rules for the steward confirmations. Currently consensus to remove is required for a steward to lose his status, however I think it's fairer to the community if every steward needed the consensus to keep. As this is an issue that affects all WMF wikis, I'm sending this notification to let people know & be able to participate. Best regards, --MF-W 16:12, 10 april 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.


I am pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections. This year the Board and the FDC Staff are looking for a diverse set of candidates from regions and projects that are traditionally under-represented on the board and in the movement as well as candidates with experience in technology, product or finance. To this end they have published letters describing what they think is needed and, recognizing that those who know the community the best are the community themselves, the election committee is accepting nominations for community members you think should run and will reach out to those nominated to provide them with information about the job and the election process.

This year, elections are being held for the following roles:

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long term sustainability of the Foundation, so we value wide input into its selection. There are three positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the board elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) Ombud
The FDC Ombud receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC Ombudsperson elections page.

The candidacy submission phase lasts from 00:00 UTC April 20 to 23:59 UTC May 5 for the Board and from 00:00 UTCApril 20 to 23:59 UTC April 30 for the FDC and FDC Ombudsperson. This year, we are accepting both self-nominations and nominations of others. More information on this election and the nomination process can be found on the 2015 Wikimedia elections page on Meta-Wiki.

Please feel free to post a note about the election on your project's village pump. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the talk page on Meta, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-elections -at- wikimedia.org

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, 05:03, 21 April 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson will continue during the voting. Nominations for the Board of Trustees will be accepted until 23:59 UTC May 5.

The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions on the committee being filled.

The FDC Ombudsperson receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 3 to 23:59 UTC May 10. Click here to vote. Questions and discussion with the candidates will continue during that time. Click here to ask the FDC candidates a question. Click here to ask the FDC Ombudsperson candidates a question. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 FDC election page, the 2015 FDC Ombudsperson election page, and the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 03:45, 4 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Wikidata: Access to data from arbitrary items is coming

(Sorry for writing in English)

When using data from Wikidata on Wikipedia and other sister projects, there is currently a limitation in place that hinders some use cases: data can only be accessed from the corresponding item. So, for example, the Wikipedia article about Berlin can only get data from the Wikidata item about Berlin but not from the item about Germany. This had technical reasons. We are now removing this limitation. It is already done for French Wikisource and Dutch Wikipedia. Your project is one of the next ones:

  • 18. May: Farsi Wikipedia, English Wikivoyage, Hebrew Wikipedia
  • 1. June: Italian Wikipedia, all remaining Wikisource

We hope to have it rolled out nearly everywhere by the end of June 2015.

We invite you to play around with this new feature if you are one of the people who have been waiting for this for a long time. If you have technical issues/questions with this you can come to d:Wikidata:Contact the development team.

A note of caution: Please be careful with how many items you use for a single page. If it is too many pages, loading might get slow. We will have to see how the feature behaves in production to see where we need to tweak and how.

How to use it, once it is enabled:

Cheers Lydia Pintscher 15:19, 13 maj 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Board will continue during the voting.

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 17 to 23:59 UTC May 31. Click here to vote. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 17:20, 17 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Wikidata: Access to data from arbitrary items is here

Pywikibot compat will no longer be supported - Please migrate to pywikibot core

Sorry for English, I hope someone translates this.
Pywikibot (then "Pywikipediabot") was started back in 2002. In 2007 a new branch (formerly known as "rewrite", now called "core") was started from scratch using the MediaWiki API. The developers of Pywikibot have decided to stop supporting the compat version of Pywikibot due to bad performance and architectural errors that make it hard to update, compared to core. If you are using pywikibot compat it is likely your code will break due to upcoming MediaWiki API changes (e.g. T101524). It is highly recommended you migrate to the core framework. There is a migration guide, and please contact us if you have any problem.

There is an upcoming MediaWiki API breaking change that compat will not be updated for. If your bot's name is in this list, your bot will most likely break.

Thank you,
The Pywikibot development team, 19:30, 5 June 2015 (UTC)

Pywikibot compat will no longer be supported - Please migrate to pywikibot core

Sorry for English, I hope someone translates this.
Pywikibot (then "Pywikipediabot") was started back in 2002. In 2007 a new branch (formerly known as "rewrite", now called "core") was started from scratch using the MediaWiki API. The developers of Pywikibot have decided to stop supporting the compat version of Pywikibot due to bad performance and architectural errors that make it hard to update, compared to core. If you are using pywikibot compat it is likely your code will break due to upcoming MediaWiki API changes (e.g. T101524). It is highly recommended you migrate to the core framework. There is a migration guide, and please contact us if you have any problem.

There is an upcoming MediaWiki API breaking change that compat will not be updated for. If your bot's name is in this list, your bot will most likely break.

Thank you,
The Pywikibot development team, 19:30, 5 June 2015 (UTC)


22:00, 19 juni 2015 (KSV)


04:30, 20 juni 2015 (KSV)

Proposal to create PNG thumbnails of static GIF images

The thumbnail of this gif is of really bad quality.
How a PNG thumb of this GIF would look like

There is a proposal at the Commons Village Pump requesting feedback about the thumbnails of static GIF images: It states that static GIF files should have their thumbnails created in PNG. The advantages of PNG over GIF would be visible especially with GIF images using an alpha channel. (compare the thumbnails on the side)

This change would affect all wikis, so if you support/oppose or want to give general feedback/concerns, please post them to the proposal page. Thank you. --McZusatz (talk) & MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 05:07, 24 juli 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

Proposal to create PNG thumbnails of static GIF images

The thumbnail of this gif is of really bad quality.
How a PNG thumb of this GIF would look like

There is a proposal at the Commons Village Pump requesting feedback about the thumbnails of static GIF images: It states that static GIF files should have their thumbnails created in PNG. The advantages of PNG over GIF would be visible especially with GIF images using an alpha channel. (compare the thumbnails on the side)

This change would affect all wikis, so if you support/oppose or want to give general feedback/concerns, please post them to the proposal page. Thank you. --McZusatz (talk) & MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 07:36, 24 juli 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

What does a Healthy Community look like to you?

The Community Engagement department at the Wikimedia Foundation has launched a new learning campaign. The WMF wants to record community impressions about what makes a healthy online community. Share your views and/or create a drawing and take a chance to win a Wikimania 2016 scholarship! Join the WMF as we begin a conversation about Community Health. Contribute a drawing or answer the questions on the campaign's page.

Why get involved?

The world is changing. The way we relate to knowledge is transforming. As the next billion people come online, the Wikimedia movement is working to bring more users on the wiki projects. The way we interact and collaborate online are key to building sustainable projects. How accessible are Wikimedia projects to newcomers today? Are we helping each other learn?
Share your views on this matter that affects us all!
We invite everyone to take part in this learning campaign. Wikimedia Foundation will distribute one Wikimania Scholarship 2016 among those participants who are eligible.

More information

Happy editing!

MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 23:43, 31 juli 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

What does a Healthy Community look like to you?

The Community Engagement department at the Wikimedia Foundation has launched a new learning campaign. The WMF wants to record community impressions about what makes a healthy online community. Share your views and/or create a drawing and take a chance to win a Wikimania 2016 scholarship! Join the WMF as we begin a conversation about Community Health. Contribute a drawing or answer the questions on the campaign's page.

Why get involved?

The world is changing. The way we relate to knowledge is transforming. As the next billion people come online, the Wikimedia movement is working to bring more users on the wiki projects. The way we interact and collaborate online are key to building sustainable projects. How accessible are Wikimedia projects to newcomers today? Are we helping each other learn?
Share your views on this matter that affects us all!
We invite everyone to take part in this learning campaign. Wikimedia Foundation will distribute one Wikimania Scholarship 2016 among those participants who are eligible.

More information

Happy editing!

MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 02:04, 1 august 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

How can we improve Wikimedia grants to support you better?

My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.


The Wikimedia Foundation would like your feedback about how we can reimagine Wikimedia Foundation grants, to better support people and ideas in your Wikimedia project. Ways to participate:

Feedback is welcome in any language.

With thanks,

I JethroBT (WMF), m:Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) through MediaWiki message delivery. 00:03, 19 august 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

How can we improve Wikimedia grants to support you better?

My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.


The Wikimedia Foundation would like your feedback about how we can reimagine Wikimedia Foundation grants, to better support people and ideas in your Wikimedia project. Ways to participate:

Feedback is welcome in any language.

With thanks,

I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by Šablon:User through MediaWiki message delivery. 01:11, 19 august 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

Introducing the Wikimedia public policy site

Hi all,

We are excited to introduce a new Wikimedia Public Policy site. The site includes resources and position statements on access, copyright, censorship, intermediary liability, and privacy. The site explains how good public policy supports the Wikimedia projects, editors, and mission.

Visit the public policy portal: https://policy.wikimedia.org/

Please help translate the statements on Meta Wiki. You can read more on the Wikimedia blog.


Yana and Stephen (Talk) 18:12, 2 septembar 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

(Sent with the Global message delivery system)

Reimagining WMF grants report

(My apologies for using English here, please help translate if you are able.)

Last month, we asked for community feedback on a proposal to change the structure of WMF grant programs. Thanks to the 200+ people who participated! A report on what we learned and changed based on this consultation is now available.

Come read about the findings and next steps as WMF’s Community Resources team begins to implement changes based on your feedback. Your questions and comments are welcome on the outcomes discussion page.

With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) 16:56, 28 septembar 2015 (KSV)[odgovori]

Izdvojeno s Wikimedije za septembar 2015.

Ispod možete pogledati izdvojeni sadržaj s Wikimedijinog bloga za septembar 2015.
About · Subscribe · Distributed via MassMessage (wrong page? Correct it here), 16:52, 20 oktobar 2015 (KSV)

Community Wishlist Survey

Wikimania 2016 scholarships ambassadors needed

Hello! Wikimania 2016 scholarships will soon be open; by the end of the week we'll form the committee and we need your help, see Scholarship committee for details.

If you want to carefully review nearly a thousand applications in January, you might be a perfect committee member. Otherwise, you can volunteer as "ambassador": you will observe all the committee activities, ensure that people from your language or project manage to apply for a scholarship, translate scholarship applications written in your language to English and so on. Ambassadors are allowed to ask for a scholarship, unlike committee members.

Wikimania 2016 scholarships subteam 10:47, 10 novembar 2015 (KSV)

Harassment consultation

Pomozite pri prevođenju na Vaš jezik

The Community Advocacy team the Wikimedia Foundation has opened a consultation on the topic of harassment on Meta. The consultation period is intended to run for one month from today, November 16, and end on December 17. Please share your thoughts there on harassment-related issues facing our communities and potential solutions. (Note: this consultation is not intended to evaluate specific cases of harassment, but rather to discuss the problem of harassment itself.)

Regards, Community Advocacy, Wikimedia Foundation

This is a message regarding the proposed 2015 Free Bassel banner. Translations are available.

Hi everyone,

This is to inform all Wikimedia contributors that a straw poll seeking your involvement has just been started on Meta-Wiki.

As some of your might be aware, a small group of Wikimedia volunteers have proposed a banner campaign informing Wikipedia readers about the urgent situation of our fellow Wikipedian, open source software developer and Creative Commons activist, Bassel Khartabil. An exemplary banner and an explanatory page have now been prepared, and translated into about half a dozen languages by volunteer translators.

We are seeking your involvement to decide if the global Wikimedia community approves starting a banner campaign asking Wikipedia readers to call on the Syrian government to release Bassel from prison. We understand that a campaign like this would be unprecedented in Wikipedia's history, which is why we're seeking the widest possible consensus among the community.

Given Bassel's urgent situation and the resulting tight schedule, we ask everyone to get involved with the poll and the discussion to the widest possible extent, and to promote it among your communities as soon as possible.

(Apologies for writing in English; please kindly translate this message into your own language.)

Thank you for your participation!

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 21:47, 25 November 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Community Wishlist Survey

MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 14:39, 1 decembar 2015 (KSV) [odgovori]

This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.

As many of you know, January 15 is Wikipedia’s 15th Birthday!

People around the world are getting involved in the celebration and have started adding their events on Meta Page. While we are celebrating Wikipedia's birthday, we hope that all projects and affiliates will be able to utilize this celebration to raise awareness of our community's efforts.

Haven’t started planning? Don’t worry, there’s lots of ways to get involved. Here are some ideas:

Everything is linked on the Wikipedia 15 Meta page. You’ll find a set of ten data visualization works that you can show at your events, and a list of all the Wikipedia 15 logos that community members have already designed.

If you have any questions, please contact Zachary McCune or Joe Sutherland.

Thanks and Happy nearly Wikipedia 15!
-The Wikimedia Foundation Communications team

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery, 20:58, 18 decembar 2015 (KSV)Pomozite pri prevođenju na Vaš jezikPomoć[odgovori]

This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.

As many of you know, January 15 is Wikipedia’s 15th Birthday!

People around the world are getting involved in the celebration and have started adding their events on Meta Page. While we are celebrating Wikipedia's birthday, we hope that all projects and affiliates will be able to utilize this celebration to raise awareness of our community's efforts.

Haven’t started planning? Don’t worry, there’s lots of ways to get involved. Here are some ideas:

Everything is linked on the Wikipedia 15 Meta page. You’ll find a set of ten data visualization works that you can show at your events, and a list of all the Wikipedia 15 logos that community members have already designed.

If you have any questions, please contact Zachary McCune or Joe Sutherland.

Thanks and Happy nearly Wikipedia 15!
-The Wikimedia Foundation Communications team

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery, 21:58, 18 decembar 2015 (KSV)Pomozite pri prevođenju na Vaš jezikPomoć[odgovori]

Wikimania 2016 Scholarships - Deadline soon!

Pomozite pri prevođenju na Vaš jezik

A reminder - applications for scholarships for Wikimania 2016 in Esino Lario, Italy, are closing soon! Please get your applications in by January 9th. To apply, visit the page below:

Patrick Earley (WMF) via MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 01:49, 5 januar 2016 (KSV)[odgovori]

2016 WMF Strategy consultation

Pomozite pri prevođenju na Vaš jezik

Hello, all.

The Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) has launched a consultation to help create and prioritize WMF strategy beginning July 2016 and for the 12 to 24 months thereafter. This consultation will be open, on Meta, from 18 January to 26 February, after which the Foundation will also use these ideas to help inform its Annual Plan. (More on our timeline can be found on that Meta page.)

Your input is welcome (and greatly desired) at the Meta discussion, 2016 Strategy/Community consultation.

Apologies for English, where this is posted on a non-English project. We thought it was more important to get the consultation translated as much as possible, and good headway has been made there in some languages. There is still much to do, however! We created m:2016 Strategy/Translations to try to help coordinate what needs translation and what progress is being made. :)

If you have questions, please reach out to me on my talk page or on the strategy consultation's talk page or by email to mdennis@wikimedia.org.

I hope you'll join us! Maggie Dennis via MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 19:06, 18 januar 2016 (KSV)[odgovori]

No editing two times this week

Zadužbina Wikimedia testirat će novi podatkovni centar u Dallasu (Texas). Ovim će se osigurati da Wikipedia i druge Wikimedijine wiki ostanu na mreži čak i u slučaju katastrofe. Kako bi osigurali da sve radi kako treba, tehnološki odsjek Wikimedije mora izvršiti planirani test. Test će pokazati može li se pouzdano prebaciti s jednog na drugi podatkovni centar. Zahtijeva se spremnost mnogih timova i da isti budu dostupni da poprave bilo kakve neočekivane probleme.

Podatkovni promet bit će potpuno prebačen na novi centar u utorak, 19. aprila.
Tim će se ponovo prebaciti na glavni podatkovni centar u četvrtak, 21. aprila.

Nažalost, zbog tehničkih ograničenja MediaWiki softvera, neće se moći uređivati tokom ove dvije promjene. Izvinjavamo se zbog ovog prekida i radimo na tom da ih ubuduće umanjimo.

Moći ćete čitati sve wikije, ali ih nećete moći uređivati u kratkom razdoblju.

  • Nećete moći uređivati otprilike 15–30 minuta u utorak, 19. aprila i u četvrtak, 21. aprila sa početkom u 14:00 UTC (16:00 CEST, 10:00 EDT i 07:00 PDT).
  • Ako pokušate urediti ili sačuvati tokom ovog razdoblja, pojavit će Vam se greška. Nadamo se da nećete izgubiti izmjene tokom ovih minuta, ali ovo Vam ne možemo garantovati. Ako vidite grešku, molimo Vas da sačekate dok se sve ne vrati u normalu. Tad ćete moći sačuvati izmjenu. Međutim, za svaki slučaj preporučujemo da napravite pričuvnu kopiju izmjene.

Ostale posljedice:

  • Pozadinski zadaci bit će sporiji, a neki mogu biti i zaustavljeni. Moguće je da se crveni linkovi neće ažurirati svojom uobičajenom brzinom. Ako napravite članak koji je negdje drugdje povezan, link ka tom članku ostat će crven duže nego što je to uobičajeno. Skripte koje dugo traju morat će se zaustaviti.
  • Kȏd za sedmicu koja počinje 18. aprilom bit će zamrznut. Neće se implementirati kȏd koji nije izričito važan za rad softvera.

Prvobitno je planirano da se test izvrši 22. marta. Novi datumi su 19. i 21. april. Možete pročitati raspored na stranici wikitech.wikimedia.org. Na tom će se rasporedu objaviti bilo kakve promjene. Bit će još obavještenja o ovome. Molimo Vas da ove informacije podijelite sa zajednicom. /Johan (WMF) (razgovor) 21:16, 17 april 2016 (KSV)[odgovori]

IMPORTANT: Admin activity review

Hello. A new policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc) was adopted by global community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing administrators' activity on smaller wikis. To the best of our knowledge, your wiki does not have a formal process for removing "advanced rights" from inactive accounts. This means that the stewards will take care of this according to the admin activity review.

We have determined that the following users meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for more than 2 years):

  1. Demicx (bureaucrat, administrator)

These users will receive a notification soon, asking them to start a community discussion if they want to retain some or all of their rights. If the users do not respond, then their advanced rights will be removed by the stewards.

However, if you as a community would like to create your own activity review process superseding the global one, want to make another decision about these inactive rights holders, or already have a policy that we missed, then please notify the stewards on Meta-Wiki so that we know not to proceed with the rights review on your wiki. Thanks, Rschen7754 00:55, 22 juli 2016 (KSV)[odgovori]


Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 18:03, 9 august 2016 (KSV) [odgovori]


Birgit Müller (WMDE) 14:56, 12 septembar 2016 (KSV) [odgovori]

Creative Commons 4.0

Hello! I'm writing from the Wikimedia Foundation to invite you to give your feedback on a proposed move from CC BY-SA 3.0 to a CC BY-SA 4.0 license across all Wikimedia projects. The consultation will run from October 5 to November 8, and we hope to receive a wide range of viewpoints and opinions. Please, if you are interested, take part in the discussion on Meta-Wiki.

Apologies that this message is only in English. This message can be read and translated in more languages here. Joe Sutherland (talk) 01:35, 6 oktobar 2016 (KSV)[odgovori]

Password reset

I apologise that this message is in English. ⧼Centralnotice-shared-help-translate⧽

We are having a problem with attackers taking over wiki accounts with privileged user rights (for example, admins, bureaucrats, oversighters, checkusers). It appears that this may be because of weak or reused passwords.

Community members are working along with members of multiple teams at the Wikimedia Foundation to address this issue.

In the meantime, we ask that everyone takes a look at the passwords they have chosen for their wiki accounts. If you know that you've chosen a weak password, or if you've chosen a password that you are using somewhere else, please change those passwords.

Select strong passwords – eight or more characters long, and containing letters, numbers, and punctuation. Joe Sutherland (razgovor) / MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 23:59, 13 novembar 2016 (KSV)[odgovori]

Adding to the above section (Password reset)

Please accept my apologies - that first line should read "Help with translations!". Joe Sutherland (WMF) (talk) / MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 00:11, 14 novembar 2016 (KSV)[odgovori]

New way to edit wikitext

James Forrester (Product Manager, Editing department, Wikimedia Foundation) --19:31, 14 decembar 2016 (KSV) [odgovori]

Review of initial updates on Wikimedia movement strategy process

Note: Apologies for cross-posting and sending in English. Message is available for translation on Meta-Wiki.

The Wikimedia movement is beginning a movement-wide strategy discussion, a process which will run throughout 2017. For 15 years, Wikimedians have worked together to build the largest free knowledge resource in human history. During this time, we've grown from a small group of editors to a diverse network of editors, developers, affiliates, readers, donors, and partners. Today, we are more than a group of websites. We are a movement rooted in values and a powerful vision: all knowledge for all people. As a movement, we have an opportunity to decide where we go from here.

This movement strategy discussion will focus on the future of our movement: where we want to go together, and what we want to achieve. We hope to design an inclusive process that makes space for everyone: editors, community leaders, affiliates, developers, readers, donors, technology platforms, institutional partners, and people we have yet to reach. There will be multiple ways to participate including on-wiki, in private spaces, and in-person meetings. You are warmly invited to join and make your voice heard.

The immediate goal is to have a strategic direction by Wikimania 2017 to help frame a discussion on how we work together toward that strategic direction.

Regular updates are being sent to the Wikimedia-l mailing list, and posted on Meta-Wiki. Beginning with this message, monthly reviews of these updates will be sent to this page as well. Sign up to receive future announcements and monthly highlights of strategy updates on your user talk page.

Here is a review of the updates that have been sent so far:

More information about the movement strategy is available on the Meta-Wiki 2017 Wikimedia movement strategy portal.

Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation, 20:31, 15 februar 2017 (KSV) • Pomozite pri prevođenju na Vaš jezikGet help

Overview #2 of updates on Wikimedia movement strategy process

Note: Apologies for cross-posting and sending in English. This message is available for translation on Meta-Wiki.

As we mentioned last month, the Wikimedia movement is beginning a movement-wide strategy discussion, a process which will run throughout 2017. This movement strategy discussion will focus on the future of our movement: where we want to go together, and what we want to achieve.

Regular updates are being sent to the Wikimedia-l mailing list, and posted on Meta-Wiki. Each month, we are sending overviews of these updates to this page as well. Sign up to receive future announcements and monthly highlights of strategy updates on your user talk page.

Here is a overview of the updates that have been sent since our message last month:

More information about the movement strategy is available on the Meta-Wiki 2017 Wikimedia movement strategy portal.

Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation, 19:44, 9 mart 2017 (KSV) • Pomozite pri prevođenju na Vaš jezikGet help

We invite you to join the movement strategy conversation (now through April 15)

05:09, 18 mart 2017 (KSV)

Please accept our apologies for cross-posting this message. This message is available for translation on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, I am pleased to announce that self-nominations are being accepted for the 2017 Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Elections.

The Board of Trustees (Board) is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long-term sustainability of the Wikimedia Foundation, so we value wide input into its selection. More information about this role can be found on Meta-Wiki. Please read the letter from the Board of Trustees calling for candidates.

The candidacy submission phase will last from April 7 (00:00 UTC) to April 20 (23:59 UTC).

We will also be accepting questions to ask the candidates from April 7 to April 20. You can submit your questions on Meta-Wiki.

Once the questions submission period has ended on April 20, the Elections Committee will then collate the questions for the candidates to respond to beginning on April 21.

The goal of this process is to fill the three community-selected seats on the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. The election results will be used by the Board itself to select its new members.

The full schedule for the Board elections is as follows. All dates are inclusive, that is, from the beginning of the first day (UTC) to the end of the last.

  • April 7 (00:00 UTC) – April 20 (23:59 UTC) – Board nominations
  • April 7 – April 20 – Board candidates questions submission period
  • April 21 – April 30 – Board candidates answer questions
  • May 1 – May 14 – Board voting period
  • May 15–19 – Board vote checking
  • May 20 – Board result announcement goal

In addition to the Board elections, we will also soon be holding elections for the following roles:

  • Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
    • There are five positions being filled. More information about this election will be available on Meta-Wiki.
  • Funds Dissemination Committee Ombudsperson (Ombuds)
    • One position is being filled. More information about this election will be available on Meta-Wiki.

Please note that this year the Board of Trustees elections will be held before the FDC and Ombuds elections. Candidates who are not elected to the Board are explicitly permitted and encouraged to submit themselves as candidates to the FDC or Ombuds positions after the results of the Board elections are announced.

More information on this year's elections can be found on Meta-Wiki. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the election talk page on Meta-Wiki, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-elections(at)wikimedia.org.

On behalf of the Election Committee,
Katie Chan, Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee
Joe Sutherland, Community Advocate, Wikimedia Foundation

Posted by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, 03:38, 7 april 2017 (KSV) • Pomozite pri prevođenju na Vaš jezikGet help

Read-only mode for 20 to 30 minutes on 19 April and 3 May

MediaWiki message delivery (razgovor) 17:34, 11 april 2017 (KSV) [odgovori]

19:14, 3 maj 2017 (KSV)

Beta Feature Two Column Edit Conflict View

Birgit Müller (WMDE) 14:29, 8 maj 2017 (KSV) [odgovori]


Birgit Müller (WMDE) 14:39, 16 maj 2017 (KSV) [odgovori]

21:08, 16 maj 2017 (KSV)

21:05, 23 maj 2017 (KSV)

Improved search in deleted pages archive

Pomozite pri prevođenju na Vaš jezik

During Wikimedia Hackathon 2016, the Discovery team worked on one of the items on the 2015 community wishlist, namely enabling searching the archive of deleted pages. This feature is now ready for production deployment, and will be enabled on all wikis, except Wikidata.

Right now, the feature is behind a feature flag - to use it on your wiki, please go to the Special:Undelete page, and add &fuzzy=1 to the URL, like this: https://test.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3AUndelete&fuzzy=1. Then search for the pages you're interested in. There should be more results than before, due to using ElasticSearch indexing (via the CirrusSearch extension).

We plan to enable this improved search by default on all wikis soon (around August 1, 2017). If you have any objections to this - please raise them with the Discovery team via email or on this announcement's discussion page. Like most Mediawiki configuration parameters, the functionality can be configured per wiki. Once the improved search becomes the default, you can still access the old mode using &fuzzy=0 in the URL, like this: https://test.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3AUndelete&fuzzy=0

Please note that since Special:Undelete is an admin-only feature, this search capability is also only accessible to wiki admins.

Hvala! CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 18:39, 25 juli 2017 (KSV)[odgovori]

Accessible editing buttons

--Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 16:56, 27 juli 2017 (KSV) [odgovori]

New print to pdf feature for mobile web readers

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 22:07, 20 novembar 2017 (KSV) [odgovori]


Birgit Müller (WMDE) 14:45, 7 maj 2018 (KSV) [odgovori]

Update on page issues on mobile web

CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 20:58, 12 juni 2018 (KSV) [odgovori]

Bot rights for User:Wikisource-bot

Hi. With the requirement to fix the page categorisation as notified at phab:T198470, I would like to propose to the community to have our bot run through and address the problem with the solution identified. The bot has been used to resolve issue previously on the Wikisources.

Thanks. Billinghurst (razgovor) 08:44, 7 juli 2018 (KSV)[odgovori]

Addition of bsWS to global bots

Above I have added a bot request, as this wiki is not within the global bot project, per list m:Special:WikiSets/2. Would the community consider opting in to the global bots, so that when we have Wikisource-wide fixes for mw:Extension:ProofreadPage that is possible to organise the bots to do the jobs within Phabricator, and simply get the fix in place. Billinghurst (razgovor) 08:44, 7 juli 2018 (KSV)[odgovori]